App Usage Simulation


During our Big Data unit, my classmates and I were tasked wit generating new conclusions from open data sources. My project for CSP analyzes data on electronic charging stations around North Carolina. Isha, my partner, and I compared the number of charging stations per city to the cities' populations, median household incomes, and poverty rates.

Our Findings:

  1. The city with the most number of charging stations per city in North Carolina.
  2. There is a positive correlation between population and amount of charging stations.
  3. There is no (/slightly positive) correlation between median household income and amount of charging stations.
  4. There is no (/slightly negative) correlation between poverty rates and amount of charging stations.


I am most proud of our various charts and visuals shown in our infographic and spreadsheet. Using color coordination, axis manipulation, and labels, we created somewhat professional products!

The most important thing I learned from this project was the Google spreadsheet organization and filtering tools. I know spreadsheet work is used heavily in business and engineering fields so I'm happy to be exposed to the software early.

If I had more time to work on my project, I would want to analyze more variables relating to electronic chargers. I was interested in the affect of other transportation methods on the number of electronic chargers. For example, would New York's number of charging stations be affected by the heavy use of their subway systems? I would also like to look at more populated states whose cities would probably have more charging stations. By analyzing these bigger city areas, I could probably access more data.

Copy of Big Data Spreadsheet (Charging Stations)