3D Printing

Grocery Bag Holder


I printed a device that assists you when you have too many bags to carry. I called it a grocery bag holder.


3D Printing Instructions


Layer 1

Final Product

In use!



In the creation of this device, I learned about developing fusion files as .stls for 3D printing. I had never worked with Fusion before this semester and found it challenged and advanced my skills. I was able to create more abstract shapes and develop more original work. I originally wanted to create Heelys, a tennis shoe with wheels, but after careful consideration, I decided to save that project for my capstone project. Instead, I designed a grocery bag holder for my mom, who often complains about having to take several trips to bring in all of our groceries. My device employs a handle and several hooks, combined into a single shape. Using this device, the user can hold four times as many bags as he/she originally could. I faced several challenges when designing this device. First, I could not make all the hooks symmetrical. I fixed this by playing around with the shape until it was perfect. Secondly, I designed my holder in inches instead of millimeters. To fix this problem, I had to redesign my device. Finally, my device took too long to print. I shortened the time by scaling the device down. Overall, my device was successful. My mom was very impressed and excited! Other people also commented on the devices resemblance to brass knuckles, which was not the look I was going for, but the dual purpose of the design could be useful in dark grocery store parking lots, especially for girls!

Phone Case


I designed a phone case with Fusion.

Fusion 360 - Designing A Phone Case
