AP Studio Art

Molly Schneider “ 0 The Fool

The Greek Hero chosen to represent the Magician card is Orpheus, known for his foolish mistake.

Molly Schneider “ 0I The Magician”

Ink, Marker and, watercolor.

This is my first piece in my Major Arcana Greek Gods/Heroes Tarot project. This card is the second chronologically but I’m doing them out of order. My process began with the initial idea. Then I had to figure out which God or Hero was going to represent what card. For the magician, I choose the Greek Goddess, Hekate. Then, I sketched out the idea after looking at other versions of the card and researching the meaning. I had to make a character design for her because there's no set design because she is an ancient being, up to interpretation. Hekate is the Goddess of Magic, Witchcraft, Ghosts, and Crossroads. She is also heavily associated with the underworld, marking her as a Chthonic Goddess. The Magician Tarot card represents skill, manifestations, power, determination, and in its reversed position, confusion, trickery, and deceit. I chose Hekate to represent this card because of all their overlapping meanings. I chose a dark color palette focusing on purples because purple represents magic. The table in front of her is common in the Magician card. The table has a sword, coin, chalice, and wand which represent the other suits of the Tarot deck. The three moons behind Hekate is a symbol, usually used by pagans, of a Goddess, commonly associated with Hekate.

Molly Schnieder “II The High Priestess”

Markers, Ink, and gold acrylic paint.

For the High Priestess card, It came between two goddesses to represent the card, Hera and Aphrodite. I decided on Hera because she fit the meaning very well. The High Priestess symbolizes wisdom and introspection. It is usually depicted with a woman sitting on a throne, with pillars by her sides. The card has a very regal feeling to it and Hera, being the Queen of Mount Olympus, fits. I used the colors that represent her for the palette, and as for the pillars, I used two peacock feathers which is a main symbol of Hera.

Molly Schneider "III The Empress"


The Greek Goddess chosen for the Empress card is the goddess of love and fertility, Aphrodite.

Molly Schneider IV The Emperor

King of the Olympian Gods, Zeus represents The Emperor card because of his power and leadership.

Molly Schneider VI The Lovers

Molly Schneider VII The Chariot

Odysseus, most known for his arduous trip home from the trojan war, represents The Chariot card.

Molly Schneider VIII Justice

Molly Schneider IX The Hermit

Molly Schneider X Wheel of Fortune

Molly Schneider XI Strength

Molly Schneider VXI The Hanged Man

Molly Schneider XIII Death

Molly Schneider XI The Devil

Molly Schneider XVI The Tower

Molly Schneider XVIII The Moon

Molly Schneider XIX The Sun

Molly Schneider XX Judgement

Molly Schneider XXI The World