The Intrepid Journey to Organizational Conservation Standards Adoption

Hosts: Charles Latrémouille, Will Beale, Irina Montenegro, Erica Cochrane, Anita Diederichsen, Annette Stewart, Catherine Payne, Natalie Holland, Olivia Millard, Paulina Arroyo

Date: October 20

Time: 2:00PM – 4:00PM

Abstract: We all want our organizations to be effective, and we all believe in the value of the conservation standards. So why don’t conservation organizations and projects naturally pick up and use the Standards? Why do many of us work hard, but find it difficult to get traction for the standards? Or is it not really our responsibility and we should leave it to the others? As coaches we can play a key role in making change happen in our organizations - but it can be difficult to know where to start! So in this session we will share experience on how to develop a strategic approach to mainstreaming the conservation standards.

Session Materials

For upload - CS Adoption slides