November 24, 2020 Parent Newsletter







The Buckeye Junior High Staff and I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. Many of our Thanksgiving meals will be different this year and hope you know how grateful we are that you are willing to sacrifice traditions to help our school return to business as usual.


As students become quarantined by the Medina County Health Department because of contact tracing outside of school, please let the office know. We will either confirm the quarantine with the health department or ask for your Health Department letter. This will allow us to keep accurate records about the impact Co-Vid 19 has had on our district.

Face to Face Students


As students adjust and adapt to situations at school, it would be very helpful for them to have headphones with them at school. These headphones do not have to be expensive or flashy. They can be bluetooth or wired. The headphones come in very handy when teachers go into quarantine and teach class from home.

Picture Day December 1

Lifetouch will be at the Junior High on December 1st to take school pictures. Students will be called down by alphabet to have their picture taken. While masks will be required to and from pictures, photographers will maintain more than 6 feet to allow students to be photographed without their masks.

Link to Online Ordering

BJHS Picture Day ID is EVTXWM9NZ


If your student becomes quarantined because of a contact at school, you will hear from Mrs. Conley-Kurjian or a school official. Contact tracing happens at the direction of the Medina County Health Department. Students in quarantine will be given links to classroom Google Meet times to allow them to continue to receive instruction. The quarantine absence does not accrue truancy or excessive absence hours so long as students log in.

If your child becomes ill while in quarantine, please let the office know.

Symptoms Checklist

Thank you for completing the Symptoms Checklist each morning before your child comes to school. Keeping students home when they are ill not only helps us contain the spread of germs, but also brings peace of mind to the building. We can tell you've been diligent about this and your help is much appreciated!

Co-Vid 19 Testing

If a close contact family member is waiting for a Co-Vid 19 test, please call your child off on the attendance line and let us know you are waiting on a family member's test. We will be able to code the absence Medial Family and reduce the amount of contact tracing in the event of a positive test coming at a later date.

Please keep us informed about the family member test. In the event we need to change the absence code to quarantine, we will provide your student with links to classroom Google Meets.

Shout Outs for Teachers

I'd love to share an anecdote or two with our teachers about how they have been rock stars this semester. Please fill out the Shout Out if you have something you'd like to share.



We appreciate very much all the support you are showing your students at home. We are seeing a little too much support on test and assessment days. Please share with your child the importance of learning from a productive struggle. Sometimes we jump in and help when really we need to allow our student's challenges to communicate with teachers what the child needs. Your help in this way will allow your student to grow.


We are looking forward to seeing several students return from our virtual learning academy to in person learning. If you have not filled out the form sent earlier this month and we have not contacted you about your decision for next semester, please reach out to the office. Students committing to face to face or Virtual Learning next semester, do so for the entire second semester.


On December 1, 2020 Lifetouch will be at the Junior High from 3:00 - 5:00 to take VLA student pictures. Students only will be allowed in the building and 6 feet social distance will be maintained. Please have your student enter with a mask. If you would like to have your child's picture taken, please order online and bring your child to the school between 3:00 and 5:00. The photographer will be leaving at 5:00; I encourage you to come as early as possible.

Link to Online Ordering

BJHS Picture Day ID is EVTXWM9NZ

Shout Outs for Teachers

I'd love to share an anecdote or two with our teachers about how they have been rock stars this semester. Please fill out the Shout Out if you have something you'd like to share.