APRIL 2020

Online Learning

We are continuing to teach and learn in an online environment. You will find the most useful information in Google Classrooms if you log into your child's account. Teachers are holding office hours and are very accessible via email. Your child should be encouraged to Zoom with each teacher at least once a week. Click here to access teacher's Google Classrooms. I have noticed Google Classroom sends an abundance of email. I would encourage you to use the To-Do list in Google Classroom as a guide for what is due and set up a label in your child's email account to organize auto-generated Google Classroom notifications to skip the inbox. The Parent Link on the Buckeye Website has many helpful tutorials for parents under "New Parent and Student Online Learning Website."

Mental Health and Quarantine

We are aware how difficult this quarantine has been on families dealing with isolation, anniversaries of grief and those experiencing loss. You may notice as anniversaries approach your child could become more irritable and more withdrawn; we encourage you to pay attention to your child's social media posts and connect with them online as well as in person. Try setting up a daily check in with your child by taking a drive, taking a hike or playing a video game with him or her. Our guidance department is available to you and your child. The district has been made several resources available here and here.

Student Lockers

A few of our students have left things in their lockers. Mrs. Coyne and I will be emailing students and parents who have materials in their lockers that need to be picked up next week. With Mr. Varney's help we have recovered several sweatshirts, shoes and lunch boxes. We will schedule a time for you to pick up these items as needed. Thank you for your patience and assistance in gathering these belongings. It is very important that we maintain social distance in our process for pick up. Items not gathered by May 15th will be donated to Goodwill. You will only receive an email if items were found in your student's locker.