August 1, 2020 Newsletter

A note from Mrs. Conley-Kurjian

It seems every year we ask ourselves, "where has the Summer gone?", but this year, I feel like we have been in a whirlwind of unmeasured proportions. I hope you have been able to find time to enjoy the amazing weather, watch a little bit of baseball and settle into new routines with your family. While we have all been challenged these past 6 months, 2020 has brought opportunities that I seek out to keep myself grounded in what is in the light.

What I know to be "in the light" for this upcoming school year will be a renewed focus on learning and individualized instruction. There are many things that remain shadowed for now, but I remind myself those things are out of my control. As much as I would like to have all the answers, I don't. What I do know and choose to focus on is that what is behind us will remain there unchanged and we will move forward toward growth, health and safety. This month's newsletter will focus on what we know right now on July 31st. As things change, I will update you and the district webpage will communicate information.

All the best,

Shannon Conley-Kurjian, Principal Buckeye Junior High

School Supplies

School supplies this year will be important regardless of where school is held. School supplies are helpful in maintaining organization if we are online or face to face. The link to this year's school supplies can be found here.

If you ordered your school supplies from us in June, we will hand those out to you when we hand out Chromebooks. Chromebooks can be handed out as soon as you have updated Registration Gateway.

Updating Your Child's Information

Every year, a parent must update your child's information. This includes address, emergency contact numbers, doctor's numbers. This also is where your sign off on the Acceptable Use Policy for school computer usage. Click here if your student was enrolled at Buckeye last year. Click here if you are a new student to Buckeye Local Schools. Your username is your student ID (this is the same number as your child's lunch code, and it is available on report cards, in Progress Book, and in PayForIt) & your password is your student's birthday (MM/DD/YYYY) make sure to include the backslashes.

Summer Reading for all students

All students entering Seventh Grade and Eighth Grade are expected to complete a Summer Reading Assignment for their Language Arts teacher. Click on the appropriate link for your child's class below and let the reading begin! Assignments are due on the first day of school.

7th Grade Regular ELA 8th Grade Regular ELA

7th Grade Advanced ELA 8th Grade Advanced ELA

Important Dates

This section of the newsletter is currently under construction. The Buckeye Board of Education is reviewing the Buckeye Restart Plan and I will update this as I am aware of information.

To assist in your immediate planning, you can remove 7th grade orientation and 8th grade schedule pick up from your calendar. We will communicate with you as soon as we know when and how we can communicate schedules and welcome your children.

Each of the following versions of the 2020-2021 School Year are preliminary and will most likely change. Buckeye Junior High teachers and the Restart Committee are working through many different scenarios.

Buckeye Virtual Academy

This version of back to school begins and ends online. You and your child would be making a semester commitment to learning online with a district issued computer from Buckeye teachers. Your child would have online communication with Buckeye teachers and would not enter the building. Because we do not know our enrollment yet, it is difficult to communicate what this version of Junior High School would look like. More information will be available after August 14th.

To sign up for this option, please fill out this form before August 14th.

Buckeye Face to Face

In the event that the decision is made to return to school traditionally, your child would come to class within the parameters of government regulations and board decisions. In pre-planning, Junior High teachers, the Buckeye Restart Committee and I have addressed a few issues to accommodate scenarios we know may become sticking points. Please recognize that I am sharing a draft version: this situation is very fluid and changes frequently. The following is a quick outline of what students might experience.

  1. Students will be assigned to teams of teachers. Each student will take their 4 core classes. A limited number of required electives will be assigned and each student will have a study hall.

  2. Students will hand sanitize before entering an area and may be asked to disinfect their own area upon exit. These details are still being addressed by the Restart Committee and Junior High teachers.

  3. Students will maintain a 3 foot social distance throughout the day and wear masks.

  4. Lockers will not be used. Students will be permitted to carry backpacks and will only be allowed to use their own supplies.

  5. Limited lunch options will be offered in a safe setting with social distancing, sanitation and supervision addressed.

  6. Busing will be offered, the transportation department will publish information in the coming weeks.

Buckeye Remote Learning

If Medina County is labeled Red according the State of Ohio's leveling system, Buckeye Local Schools will return to an online model, now deemed Remote Learning. This model will look and feel different than what was experienced in the Spring. I have heard the call of many parents and teachers requesting a more structured model if we enter an online situation. In pre-planning Junior High teachers, the Restart Committee and I have established a draft schedule for Junior High students and staff that will ensure a high level of education continues. I can share with you the following draft version of what you may expect. Remember, things change all the time.

  1. Students would be required to attend online classes with their teachers and classmates on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings.

  2. Each afternoon and throughout the day on Wednesday, teachers will meet with students one on one or in groups of similar learners to support and assist students as they learn and provide feedback for growth.

  3. Buckeye teachers will provide instruction and assignments will be completed online according to the teacher syllabus. Students will have the same teachers they have face to face.

  4. Attendance will be taken.

  5. Academic integrity will be monitored.