
The Bullseyes resources in the My Future website is a great place to start if you're not sure about which career pathway you might be interested in. There is a bullseye for each subject area.

Start by finding a subject area at school that you are interested in and/or good at and open the bullseye.

The bullseye is designed to start with the subject area in the middle and then identify different occupations related to that subject area as you work your way out. Closer to the bullseye centre are occupations in Level 1, working your way to the outside of the bullseye for Level 4 occupations.

Level 1 - requires a skill level equal to the completion of Year 10, VCE or Cert I or II. Apprenticeships may be offered at this level.

Level 2 - requires a skill level equal to a Cert III or IV, or at least three years of relevant experience. Apprenticeships may be offered at this level.

Level 3 - requires a skill level equal to a Diploma or Advanced Diploma. Study is often undertaken through TAFEs or RTOs. Some universities off studies at this level.

Level 4 - requires a skill level equal to a Bachelor Degree or higher qualification. Study is often undertaken at a university.

source: www.myfuture.edu.au 

Click HERE to start exploring the bullseyes.