Year 9


The curriculum at Bendigo South East College follows the Victorian Curriculum F – 10. This curriculum, developed by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA), “is the common set of knowledge and skills required by students for life-long learning, social development and active and informed citizenship.” The Victorian Curriculum F – 10 also incorporates the Australian curriculum, whilst reflecting the key priority areas and standards for Victorian students.

Bendigo South East College also offers a small range of Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and Vocational Educational Training (VET) based subject offerings for Year 10 students. Teachers follow the subject specific study design published by the VCAA to construct learning centred upon the set knowledge and skills described. VET subjects knowledge and skills is derived from following the relevant industry-based training package regulated by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).

As students move into Years 7 and 8, Bendigo South East College curriculum and subject offerings have a focus on students experiencing a broad range of subject areas and building key knowledge and skills across these offerings. Within Year 9 and 10 students are provided with increasing opportunities to exercise choice. We encourage students to consider their Year 10 program as a strong grounding for their last two years of senior secondary education.

Subject Availability

While subjects are offered within this Course Selection Guide, BSE will, once students undertake their subject selections, make decisions about running subjects based on the demand and resources for each subject. Subjects selected by a small number of students may be withdrawn. When a subject is withdrawn, students will be notified and back-up subject choices will be used and/or further course counselling will be undertaken.

Learning and Student Attendance

Bendigo South East College expects students to maintain a strong attendance record. There is significant research that indicates students who miss 5 – 10% of days in any given year will have significantly lower levels of performance in Literacy and Numeracy. In future years the gaps in knowledge and skills are rarely made up. Strong attendance provides continuity in student’s learning.

Bendigo South East College will work with parents to provide support for a continuation of essential student learning if a student has some short-term absence (up to approximately 2-3 weeks) as a result of illness or injury. For absences that extend beyond this period, student needs are considered on a case-by-case basis, but parents need to be aware that the school is not equipped, nor able to support an “at-home” learning program for students for any great length of time. The school does not provide an individual learning program as part of the student’s absence due to holiday during the term.

Subject Fees

The final list of fees/charges will be included in the 2024 book lists which are distributed later in the year.

Selecting Your Year 9 Program

A Year 9 program at Bendigo South East College seeks to provide subject options that continue to build essential learning skills across a broad range of subject areas. This Course Selection Booklet provides updated information to assist students to make subject choices for 2024; and as such is a live document, which may be subject to change.

Subject Selection

Students are expected to draw upon a variety of resources and people that can assist them to select their subjects and learning programs. To be clear of the subject content and expectations, it is essential that students and parents carefully read the description of any subject in which a student has an interest. Subject descriptions start on Page 4 of this booklet.  Fees indicated for subjects are correct. They have been ratified by the BSE School Council and will be confirmed in the 2024 booklists. 

Year 9 Subject Offerings 

Requirements of a Year 9 Program

In Year 9 the students undertake the following program made up of both compulsory and elective subject options. Students must undertake two semesters of English, Mathematics, Health and PE (either core or ADP),  Science and Humanities. 

Students may then undertake four single semester electives of their own choice drawn from the Arts, Technology, Languages and Multidisciplinary learning areas, except in the following situations:

The following needs to be considered:

Students also have the option to choose one elective H&PE subject for one semester only. Costs, as a subject fee,  will apply. The subjects that students may elect:

*English as an Additional Language (EAL) is an English subject available to students who are new English language learners. This subject is aimed at providing new English learners with the basic English and skills required to socialise in Australia. Typically, these students have not learnt English as their primary language throughout their previous schooling. For further information, contact the College’s EAL and Inclusion coordinator.

The Arts Learning Area Subjects

Academy of Creative Arts (ACA)

Subject Length:    2 semesters

Subject Fee:          $1300

If you are interested in furthering your development in the field of Dance, Drama, Visual Arts or Vocals, this subject is for you! The Academy of Creative Arts (ACA) program offers aspiring artists the opportunity to develop their own goals to work towards in their chosen field. The program also invites practicing artists to run Masterclasses for students. These Masterclasses occur before and after school each week. This is a SELECT ENTRY program. Entry into the program undertaken through a separate ACA application and audition/interview. In timetabled classes, students will be engaging in a coaching environment to work independently or in collaboration with their peers to generate and present works in their chosen field.

What is studied?

Within this subject student learning is based upon the following key knowledge and concepts:

What type of work is done?

Within this subject student learning is developed and assessed through:


Additional Information

Completion of year Academy of Creative Arts will allow students to proceed to VCE Art Subject Unit 1-4 and related VET applied certificate. Arts study is beneficial for entering many careers such as Architecture, Interior Design, Graphic Design, Music Industry, Logo Design, Artist, Teacher etc.


Subject Length: 1 Semester

Subject Fee:       No cost

If you would like to develop your self-confidence through games and performances (both scripted and self-devised), then Drama is for you!  In this class, you will have the opportunity to build your skills and knowledge about acting in the theatre by playing games, learning about a range of theatre practitioners and developing performances to present to your peers – and have fun in the process.

What is studied?

Within this subject student learning is based upon the following key knowledge and concepts:


        Character Development

        Script analysis

        Naturalism and Non-Naturalism

        Ensemble building

 What type of work is done?

Within this subject student learning is developed and assessed through:

        Play through Drama games

        Script Writing

        Live Performances

        Peer reviews

 Additional Information

Students will create original performances based on different stimuli.  

Future Pathways: Completion of year 9 Drama will allow students to proceed to VCE Drama Units 1-4 and related VET applied certificate.  

Digital Photography

Subject Length: 1 Semester

Subject Fee: $40 

Photography is a subject that encourages and challenges students to interpret and view the world in which we live, in different ways. Students develop their photography skills and knowledge through practical and theory based workshop activities, focusing on photographic techniques and processes, theoretical and technical skills of a DSLR camera as well as the manipulation of imagery using Adobe Photoshop and mixed media practices. Students also have opportunities to showcase their creative abilities and build upon their literacy skills through the development of a folio and written annotations.

What is studied?

Within this subject student learning is based upon the following key knowledge and concepts:

What type of work is done?

Within this subject student learning is developed and assessed through:


Additional Information

Media Studies

Subject Length: 1 semester

Subject Fee:              No fee


In Year 9 Media, students will learn skills and techniques of film-making through theoretical and practical tasks. These include cinematography, acting, sound, lighting, costume, mise-en-scene and editing. Students will also choose a film to study relating to a particular genre and analyse how these Production Elements are used. They will then use skills and understanding learned to create their own film based on their chosen genre.


What is studied?

Within this subject student learning is based upon the following key knowledge and concepts:


What type of work is done?

Within this subject student learning is developed and assessed through:

Additional Information

Future Pathways: 

Multimedia - Digital Illustrations

Subject Length: 1 semester

Subject Fee: $5

A course focusing on the developing skills in digital drawing and the use of a drawing (Wacom) tablet. You will learn a variety of skills regarding digital sketching and drawing tablets. Some topics covered in class will be: Tone, Colour Theory, Sketching from life, Sketching from references, anatomy. You will be trained to draw a variety of subjects, focusing largely on the human face. 


Via Workshops and Creative Tasks, Short Written Tasks and a Digital Portfolio. 

Additional Information

Can lead to careers as Concept Artists (for Games and Films), Illustrators, Fashion Design, Graphic Design, Comic Creators, among others. 


Subject Length: 2 semesters

Subject Fee: Tuition $375 for 1 year. $140 per year for instrument hire if required. 

Year 9 students have the opportunity to work in bands and ensembles. The ensembles are Concert Band, String Ensemble, Choir and Guitar Ensemble. Students will be rehearsing and playing music in every session. Voice, guitar and percussion students work in a Rock band program once per week, rehearing and recording songs.

Strings and Concert band students work to develop much more challenging pieces, learning more about different styles. They will get the opportunity to travel to competitions in Melbourne to perform and participate with other schools.

There are a wide range of extra ensembles and bands which students can join. We have two jazz bands, saxophone and brass ensembles and practice rooms are available for rock bands and small groups to use.

Lessons and instrument hire is available.

We cater for those who’ve already been learning by providing more advanced ensembles for them to work in but can take beginners. Contact us if you have questions.  

We have a team of specialist music staff from the Bendigo Instrumental Music Program who provide weekly lessons.

What is studied?

Within this subject student learning is based upon the following key knowledge and concepts:

What type of work is done?

Within this subject student learning is developed and assessed through:

Additional Information

Future Pathways: VET and VCE music


Subject Length: 1 semester

Subject Fee: $35 

Within the subject area of Sculpture, students will explore and develop hand-building techniques and processes by using a range of mixed medium materials such as clay, mod rock, modelling wire, and paper clay. Students will create and hand sculpt unique 3-dimensional forms, implementing various mixed medium materials.

What is studied?

What type of work is done?

Within this subject student learning is developed and assessed through:

Additional Information

Future Pathways: Completion of year 9 Sculpture will allow students to proceed to VCE Unit 1-4 and related VET applied certificate. 

Within the subject area of Sculpture, students will explore and develop hand-building techniques and processes by using a range of mixed medium materials such as clay, mod rock, modelling wire, and paper clay. Students will create and hand sculpt unique 3-dimensional forms, implementing various mixed medium materials.

What is studied?

What type of work is done?

Within this subject student learning is developed and assessed through:

Additional Information

Future Pathways: Completion of year 9 Sculpture will allow students to proceed to VCE Unit 1-4 and related VET applied certificate. 

Visual Communication and Design

Subject Length: 1 semester

Subject Fee: No charge

Visual Communication is for any student who likes to create designs using Photoshop and enjoys designing logos, advertisements and products. Students will learn how to use Photoshop whilst learning other drawing techniques and skills.  Students investigate their ideas through using the design process to create a range of different digital and hand drawn designs and presentations.


What is studied?

Within this subject student learning is based upon the following key knowledge and concepts:


What type of work is done?

Within this subject student learning is developed and assessed through:

Additional information

Future Pathways: Completion of year 9 Visual Communication and Design will allow students to proceed to VCE Art Subject Unit 1-4 and related VET applied certificate. 

Visual Arts

Subject Length: 1 semester

Subject Fee: $25 

Year 9 Visual Art is a subject for students who are interested in expanding their skills and knowledge of the visual arts through the use of a variety of mediums and techniques including:

Students are introduced to a variety of artists, both contemporary and historical, and will be provided with a range of practical workshops to expand students’ individual practice. The course is structured around developing an artistic skill set and then applying this skill set to design and create a major artwork of students’ choice. Students will be given opportunities to visit local galleries and will be mentored by specialist teaching staff who will assist students to meet their goals. 

What is studied?

Within this subject student learning is based upon the following key knowledge and concepts:

What type of work is done?

Within this subject student learning is developed and assessed through:

Additional Information

Future Pathways: Completion of year 9 Visual Arts will allow students to proceed to VCE Unit 1-4 and related VET applied certificate.

English Learning Area Subjects


Subject Length: 2 semesters

Subject Fee: $6.75 fee 

What is studied?

Within this subject student learning is based upon the following key knowledge and concepts:

What type of work is done?

Within this subject student learning is developed and assessed through:

Additional Information

BSE will provide novels and films for novel and film study units, however, students are expected to provide their own novels for independent

English as an Additional Language (EAL)

Subject Length: 2 semesters

Subject Fee: No charge

English as an Additional Language (EAL)  is an English subject available to students who are new English language learners. This subject is aimed at providing new English learners with the basic English and skills required to socialise in Australia. Typically, these students have not learnt English as their primary language throughout their previous schooling. For further information, contact Ms. Sara Fletcher, the College’s Learning Specialist: Inclusion.

What is studied?

Within this subject student learning is based upon the following key knowledge and concepts:

What type of work is done?

Within this subject student learning is developed and assessed through:

Additional Information

Based on the learning needs of the student, work may be varied to support individual student learning. Students who qualify for English as an additional language (EAL) can study EAL for two semesters, each year.

Health and PE Learning Area Subjects

Health and Physical Education (Core)

Subject Length: 2 semesters

Subject Fee: No Fee

Year 9 PE involves both a practical and theoretical component where students build on their ability to effectively apply movement skills and strategic thinking in various situations. Students participate in Sport Education which develops the students Leadership, Sportsmanship and Teamwork skills. Other practical concepts covered during the course include Major Games, Game Sense scenarios and Minor Games. In health classes the focus is on students investigating their personal lifestyle habits and developing strategies in order to improve overall health and wellbeing. Resilience is also studied where students learn about and apply mental health strategies linked to Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness.

What is studied?

Within this subject student learning is based upon the following key knowledge and concepts:

What type of work is done?

Within this subject student learning is developed and assessed through:

Additional Information

Future Pathways: VCE PE

Skills For Life - Karate & Self Defence

Subject Length: 1 semester

Subject Fee: $220 - which includes multiple visits to a Martial Arts Centre and coaching 

This subject gives students the opportunity to learn self-defence skills from professional coaches. Students are taught the history of martial arts and the cultural significance it has through frequent visits to the martial arts complex at Fit Republic. Throughout the unit students will also complete the same core health as all other year 9 students.  Students will train predominantly in karate and participate in an official belt grading process. Throughout the unit students will also complete the same core health as all other Year 9 students.  A short Sport Education unit will also be built into the program. 

What is studied?

Within this subject student learning is based upon the following key knowledge and concepts:

What type of work is done?

Within this subject student learning is developed and assessed through:

Additional Information

Future Pathways: VCE PE

World of Football

Subject Length: 1 semester

Subject Fee: No fee

World of Football is a practical based unit aimed at students who enjoy playing kicking - based sports such as Australian Rules Football, Soccer, Futsal, Rugby, Gaelic Football etc. Students will learn the skill fundamentals, movement concepts and game play strategies across the various sports. Students will be able to demonstrate their strengths in sports they are familiar with plus be expected to adapt and persist when challenged by new concepts. Students will also be required to complete compulsory Health and Sport Ed units throughout the semester.

What is studied?

Within this subject student learning is based upon the following key knowledge and concepts:

What type of work is done?

Within this subject student learning is developed and assessed through:

Additional Information

Future Pathways: VCE PE

Athlete Development Program (ADP)
Subject Length: 2 semesters

Subject Fee: $1350
ADP provides a program dedicated to improving educational and sporting outcomes for students.

The program provides an opportunity for student-athletes to pursue their passion in a holistic academic and sport-based partnership.

The foundations are underpinned by the individualisation and specialist nature of this program. All staff have specialised and extensive skills & experiences to facilitate this program. 

At a physical level, the program aims to provide student-athletes with long-term athletic development training within a secondary college environment. To complement this physical preparation, the program provides high level technical coaching in a variety of sports. 

Emphasis is placed on integrating students’ passions, academic progress, behavioural expectations and effort requirements. These are the cornerstone of the ADP program.

What is studied?

Within this subject student learning is based upon the following key knowledge and concepts:

What type of work is done?

Within this subject student learning is developed and assessed through:

Additional Information

The Athlete Development Program is a SELECT ENTRY course. Entry into the subject is undertaken via a separate ADP application. Contact the ADP Manager for further information. Students wishing to be part of the ADP program, who are not continuing from the previous year, should contact the ADP Manager to discuss potential entry into the program. 

Future Pathways: VCE PE

Humanities Learning Area 

Humanities (Core)

Subject Length: 2 semesters

Subject Fee: No Fee 

The Humanities includes four interdisciplinary strands: Civics and Citizenship, Economics and Business, Geography and History. These four strands will be covered over the two year band of Years 9 and 10. The Humanities provide a framework for students to examine the complex processes that have shaped the modern world and to investigate responses to different challenges including people’s interconnections with the environment. At a Year 9 Level, students also undertake opportunities relating  to Career Development, which sets them in good stead for Year 10 Work Experience. 

What is studied?

Within this subject student learning is based upon the following key knowledge and concepts:

What type of work is done?

Within this subject student learning is developed and assessed through:

Languages Learning Area Subjects


Subject Length: 2 semesters

Subject Fee: No Fee 

Chinese is a vibrant, exciting and interactive course intended to have practical value for students to listen, read, speak and write the language as it is written and spoken in China.

Exciting extension activities outside the classroom are also provided, which can enrich students’ personal and social skills, making learning Chinese fun.

Participating in speech competitions, cultural immersion days, languages evening, Chinese dancing, a fashion show, festivals and celebrations, calligraphy art workshops, Chinese food tasting and authentic restaurant visits are some of the many enjoyable activities which help foster the spirit of language learning. 

What is studied?

Within this subject student learning is based upon the following key knowledge and concepts:

What type of work is done?

Within this subject student learning is developed and assessed through:

Additional Information

Future Pathways: VET Applied Language Certificate III, VCE Chinese Language Society and Culture


Subject Length: 2 semesters

Subject Fee: No Fee 

German is an exciting and easy language to learn,  where a lot of English structures are taught due to the closeness of these two languages. Learning German, students will learn about Germans in Australia while listening to a guest speaker to gain further insight into their lives at the time.  This interaction of the German culture and language will be the basis for students to become a more spontaneous speaker. 

What is studied?

Within this subject student learning is based upon the following key knowledge and concepts:

What type of work is done?

Within this subject student learning is developed and assessed through:

Additional Information

Future Pathways: Completion of year 10 German will allow students to proceed to VCE German, which has the added advantage of an ATAR increase (for Units 3-4) of around 10% scaled up. A second language is beneficial for entering many careers such as tourism, hospitality, community services, medicine, translation careers and particularly engineering.


Subject Length: 2 semesters

Subject Fee: No Fee 

Indonesia is Australia’s closest neighbour and is the fourth most populated country in the world with over 260 million speakers of Indonesian. What better reason do you need Bahasa Indonesia?

Learning another language opens your awareness of how other people communicate and live their daily lives. These skills are vital for your communication with and acceptance towards cultures other than your own. Another language can enrich not only your personal communication skills but also increase your career opportunities. Students are provided with many opportunities to enhance their language skills through immersion activities such as hosting exchange students, cooking and dining on Indonesian cuisine, participating in cultural excursions and activities both inside and outside of school. 

What is studied?

Within this subject student learning is based upon the following key knowledge and concepts:

What type of work is done?

Within this subject student learning is developed and assessed through:

Additional Information

Future Pathways: Completion of year 10 Indonesian will allow students to proceed to VCE Indonesian, which has the added advantage of an ATAR increase (for Units 3-4) of around 10% scaled up comparison. A second language is beneficial for entering many careers such as tourism, hospitality, community services, medicine and translation careers.

Mathematics Learning Area 


Subject Length: 2 semesters

Subject Fee: $6.75(Online Resource) 

Mathematics provides students with access to important mathematical ideas, knowledge and skills that they will draw on in their personal and work lives. The curriculum also provides students, as life-long learners, with the basis on which further study and research in mathematics and applications in many other fields are built. 

What is studied?

Within this subject student learning is based upon the following key knowledge and concepts:

What type of work is done?

Within this subject student learning is developed and assessed through:

Additional Information

The BSE Maths program provides a continuum of mathematical learning and allows for the differentiation for each student


Science Learning Area 


Subject Length: 2 semesters

Subject Fee: $10

The Year 9 Science program aims to equip students with valuable experiences to expand their knowledge of scientific theories and build on the application skills necessary to conduct interesting practical activities. Students will also work with scientific equipment, conduct research and write scientific reports. Students will also be introduced to some exciting new Science topics and research tasks. 

What is studied?

Within this subject student learning is based upon the following key knowledge and concepts:

What type of work is done?

Within this subject student learning is developed and assessed through:

Technology Subjects


Subject Length: 1 semester

Subject Fee: $20 

Students will explore the area of Automotive Technology by investigating the basic principles of mechanical systems. They will learn how they operate in automobiles and motorcycles through problem-based learning in assembly and disassembly projects. They will explore areas such as engine operation and performance, suspension systems, transmission and final drive. Students will get the opportunity to learn this through practical based work and simulated workshop practical tasks. 

What is studied?

Within this subject student learning is based upon the following key knowledge and concepts:

What type of work is done?

Within this subject student learning is developed and assessed through:

Additional Information

Future Pathways: VET Automotive, VCE VET Automotive Units 3 and 4

Digital Technologies

Subject Length: 1 semester

Subject Fee: $20 

This subject provides the opportunity for students to develop skills in data representation and compression,  understanding networks,  understanding operating systems,  studying the National  Broadband Network (NBN), and data security,  malware and data collection. Students also investigate web-site development, developing algorithms, writing programs and managing projects. 

What is studied?

Within this subject student learning is based upon the following key knowledge and concepts:

What type of work is done?

Within this subject student learning is developed and assessed through:

Additional Information

Future Pathways: Year 10 Digital Technologies, Year 10 STEM, VCE Systems Engineering,  VCE VET Information and Communications Technology


Subject Length: 1 semester

Subject Fee: $55

Students will develop skills in the electronics area. Included is the safe use of equipment, solving practical problems, the development of a design folio and evaluation of the design and production process. Students are required to complete practical tasks using electronics componentry, soft solder and associated equipment . A theory research task will be undertaken and students can design their own project which includes researching, designing, producing and evaluating.

What is studied?

Within this subject student learning is based upon the following key knowledge and concepts:

What type of work is done?

Within this subject student learning is developed and assessed through:

Additional Information

Future Pathways: Year 10 STEM, VCE VET Information and Communications Technology, VCE Systems Engineering, Certificate II in Electrotechnology 


Subject Length: 1 semester

Subject Fee: $85 

In this class students will undertake Design Briefs in: making a healthier biscuit, designing and producing a gourmet burger and creating a salad meal. They will follow the process of investigating, generating design ideas and evaluating products utilising planning and managing strategies. Students will develop food preparation skills and knowledge of food properties to enable them to individualise outcomes considering the nutritional needs for good health in adolescence. Students will also focus on developing their skills of teamwork and reflection to improve learning.

What is studied?

Within this subject student learning is based upon the following key knowledge and concepts:

What type of work is done?

Within this subject student learning is developed and assessed through:

Additional Information

Future Pathways: Year 10 Foods, Certificate II in Kitchen Operations, Certificate II in Hospitality


Subject Length: 1 semester

Subject Fee: $80 

Students will develop skills in the engineering area. Included is the safe use of equipment, solving practical problems, the development of a design folio and evaluation of the design and production process. Students are required to complete practical tasks using ferrous metals, non ferrous metals and alloys. A theory research task will be undertaken and students can design their own project which includes researching, designing, producing and evaluating. 

What is studied?

Within this subject student learning is based upon the following key knowledge and concepts:

What type of work is done?

Within this subject student learning is developed and assessed through:

Additional Information

Future Pathways: Year 10 Metalwork,  VCE VET Engineering Studies, VCE Product Design & Technology


Subject Length: 1 semester

Subject Fee: $40

Textiles offer students the opportunity to understand design needs and the use of textiles as a material with a broad range of purposes. Students will investigate and generate creative ideas for solutions to problems that utilise textiles. They will explore the properties of different fibres and fabrics, increasing their knowledge and skills in the production of textile items and the sustainable and responsible use of resources.

What is studied?

Within this subject student learning is based upon the following key knowledge and concepts:

What type of work is done?

Within this subject student learning is developed and assessed through:

Additional  Information

Future Pathways: Year 10 Textiles, VCE Product Design & Technology: Textiles.


Subject Length: 1 semester

Subject Fee: $55 

Students develop skills in the woodwork area. This includes the safe use of equipment, solving practical problems, development of a design folio and evaluation of the design and production process. Areas of Study will include:-  Safe and responsible work practices.  Identification and correct use of relevant equipment and tools required for a range of working systems.  Study of techniques used in the design and construction of a product. 

What is studied?

Within this subject student learning is based upon the following key knowledge and concepts:

What type of work is done?

Within this subject student learning is developed and assessed through:

Additional Information

Future Pathways: Year 10 Woodwork, VCE VET Building and Construction, VCE Product Design and Technology

Multidisciplinary Subject


Subject Length:    1 semester

Subject Fee:             $75

In STEM we discover working with robots, virtual reality, lasers, 3D printing to design, create and test solutions for our local health, agricultural, environmental systems, and everyday societal challenges.

Studying STEM means learning about the world around you, finding innovative solutions to real-world challenges, and playing a role in societal discoveries and developments.

STEM is important for students as future jobs will require problem solving skills, innovation, creative thinking and digital skills.

Students need to learn how to think in approaches of investigations, analytically, critically and flexibly in order to adapt to this rapidly changing world. 

What is studied?

Within this subject student learning is based upon the following key knowledge and skills:


What type of work is done?

Within this subject student learning is developed and assessed through:

Additional Information

Future Pathways: VCE Product Design and Technology, VCE VET Engineering Studies, VCE Systems Engineering