An invitation to a new adventure!

(2 February 2024)

It has been a busy autumn season for everyone of us in the Central Brussels Scouts. As we look back at some of the highlights of late 2023, we would like to invite you to join us and explore ahead in the New Year together. 

Click through the photo gallery to relive some of the best moments we spent together in the past few months, including hikes, trips, excursions, as well as our regular sessions at the Parmentier park.

And as we look forward to the New Year, we would like to remind and once again invite you to our Annual General Meeting that will be held on Thursday the 8th of February at 20:00-21.00. Please come along to find out more about what we have been up to this year, discover the exciting volunteering opportunities we have open at CBS and how you can support us, vote in our board of trustees, get to know the team of CBS volunteers and other parents, and share a drink or two!

We urgently need more volunteers to lead sessions and join our support team. Many of our long-standing volunteers, whose children have grown and moved on, are stepping back. To meet the minimum volunteer requirements set by British Scouting rules, we're calling for new parents to step forward. Remember, we are all volunteers balancing jobs and families, but together, the load is lighter. Currently, we rely heavily on a small group of dedicated individuals but we need more people to step up. Please consider lending a hand to ensure our children continue to enjoy the enriching experiences that Scouting offers.