Frequently Asked Questions
Meeting times and places:
Weekly meetings are held on an evening from Monday-Friday between 17.00 and 20.30 during school term times. There are also occasional weekend activities. Please find below the current schedule:
Shackleton Beavers - Wednesdays between 18:00 and 19:15 at Parc Parmentier
Newton Cubs - Tuesdays between 18:30 and 20:00 at Parc Parmentier
Tongalu Scouts - Thursdays between 18:15 and 20:15 at Parc Parmentier.
When will you start?
We will invite newcomers to join our sections as places become available usually at the start of each term. Our scout year runs between mid September and late June.
What will it cost?
Our fees are decided annually in consultation with the leaders and committee. We are not subsidised so we need to cover all the costs of meetings, badges, association fees, leader training, etc. The fee is in the order of €150 pa. It may be that you also choose to organise some fund raisers to help provide equipment.
Do I have to pay straight away or can I try scouting out first?
Once we have offered you a place you have up to 28 days from the start date we gave, to visit the section and decide whether you like scouting before being invested. During this period you are covered by free insurance for weekly meetings but not overnight events. If you stay longer or attend an overnight, the insurance fee is due and we will ask you to pay whatever fees the group has incurred, even if you decide later to leave. Luckily most young people do enjoy themselves.
What about equipment?
We are currently investing in camping equipment, however we are always looking for donations of used camping and cooking equipment that is still in good shape. We also have some games and arts and crafts equipment we use on a weekly basis.
How many adults are needed?
We need at least two leaders and another regular helper or two per section. That is to provide a good adult to child ratio and to cover absences. It also means the team can spread the workload, meaning no-one becomes over burdened. We also need a few people to help on a parents committee with various practical/admin tasks.
Can parents get involved?
Almost all our leadership team are parents and every parent can expect to be asked to help especially on outdoor activities.
How many children will be in each section?
Initially we start with 12-15 young people, with a maximum of 18 for Beavers and 24 for Cubs, as the team becomes more experienced. This is due to the size of the premises where our meetings are held. Scouts hope to start with 15 and eventually expand to 25.
Is there space for my child?
We can only accommodate a limited number of young people in each section for safety reasons. Nevertheless, depending on the section, we may have an available place for your child already now, so you are welcome to put down your child’s name on the waiting list. The best way to help your child get a place is to take a role in one of the sections or parents committee. As time passes and more leaders join, we would aim to open additional sections to accommodate more young people.
Who gets priority for spaces?
We operate a first come, first served policy, but we will give priority to current members moving sections and those young people whose parents are volunteering in the group.
What’s the programme?
We will be following the balanced programme of the Scout Association. You can see some information on the sectional pages. Our meetings take place indoors, but there is an adjacent outdoor space at our disposal. Depending on the section programme, there will also be occasional field meetings/activities or visits to interesting places and some camping opportunities.
Where would I get a uniform?
We do a group purchase at the start of term when we have new members. If you miss this, uniform tops can be ordered online from Glasgow scout shops once your child has visited a few times and decided they wish to join. There is no need to buy a leader’s shirt or necker/woggle as we will supply those. We also have a uniform coordinator that can help you through the process.
Do I need a scouting/guiding background to become a leader?
No! Obviously if you have got experience in a youth movement it is very helpful, but most of our leaders are parents who have learnt on the job.
Do I have to be British/mother tongue English?
No. We have leaders and members of many different nationalities, which contributes to the international feel of our group. For safety reasons you do need a sufficient standard of English to be able to understand and give (or understand) clear instructions.
What age range are your leaders?
Leaders can be any age from 18 upwards. Most of our leaders are parents, but younger people are very welcome to join us. We do have explorer scouts (14-18) who volunteer as young leaders in some sections, but they always work under adult supervision.
If I become a leader/ assistant what help is available?
There is a wealth of materials online and resources published by scouting which can provide the framework for weekly activities.
There is online training available and the local training team run practical courses to help you in your role. Some of the training is compulsory but you are given plenty of time and opportunity to complete this.
Our existing leadership team will be happy to share ideas with you and give advice.
In addition there are a number of joint residentials/camps and other events which you and your section would be invited to join.
What about section administration?
Central Brussels Scouts uses an online database & waiting list which are easily adapted to add new sections
We have existing forms which you can use
You can share out jobs between your team and with another parent
Collecting subs etc is done centrally
As Central Brussels Scouts grows we will need several people to help with the admin and support the leaders