Lydia Cruz & Sandra Maria Ramos Scholarship for Latina Students

About the Scholarship:

The Lydia Cruz & Sandra Maria Ramos Scholarship was established in March of 1995 by the founding mothers of Delta Tau Lambda Sorority, Incorporated. This scholarship was named after two women committed to education and a passion for learning. The scholarship is awarded annually by chapters of Delta Tau Lambda Sorority, Inc., across the nation. We raise funds for the scholarship to help young Latinas to reach their dreams using education as their tool. Xi Chapter of Delta Tau Lambda Sorority, Inc. at Western Michigan University will be awarding $500 to this year’s Lydia Cruz and Sandra Maria Ramos Scholarship recipient.

About Delta Tau Lambda Sorority, Inc:

Delta Tau Lambda is a community service-oriented sorority whose main objectives focus on academic excellence, community service, professional development, and youth empowerment. Members of the organization strive to bring change in the Latino community and other communities of color by motivating, supporting, and awarding women who strive to empower themselves and their communities. Delta Tau Lambda Sorority, Inc. prides itself in its hard work; to create awareness on issues affecting our immediate and surrounding communities. Among many other aspects of our sisterhood. To learn more about the organization, visit:

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must be a current Latina high school senior who is entering her first year of college at a 2 or 4 year higher learning institute in the upcoming fall semester or the applicant must currently be a Latina in her first semester of college.

General Application Guidelines

Please submit the following information with your application:

o A completed application (including essays)

o Official high school transcript(s)

o Copy of University/College Acceptance Letter or current schedule

Please email Miss Wright for an application. 

DEADLINE: Mid Sept-Mid October each year