Common App
The Common Application:
Please watch the videos linked below.
1. First, watch the "Common App and Naviance Matching Process" video linked here. This will detail how to link your Naviance and Common App accounts so that they can communicate.
2. Second, watch the "Applying Using the Common App" video linked here. Transcripts and Letters of Rec will be requested/processed in the NAVIANCE SYSTEM now, while the remainder of your application will be done on the Common App website.
If you are applying to one or more colleges using the Common Application, there are some important things to know. The Common App is handled differently than most other applications. Some key differences:
- ALL parts of the application (including transmission of your transcripts, letters of recommendation, etc) will all be done online and through either the Common App website or your Naviance account.
- You and I and any recommenders can complete our portions in any order. Your college will not have access to any of it until you submit it to them. And if something isn't completed before you are ready to submit your portion, you can go ahead and submit it and the missing items will become available to the college as soon as they are uploaded!
Please see Miss Wright with any questions you may have.
There are also some excellent online resources for assistance with the Common App. See links below:
- Khan Academy Common App Walkthrough
- How to Make Your Common App Less Common
- Common App now has their tutorial videos on their Youtube Channel! I've added the link below to their playlist for first- year applicants (that's you guys!).