Nicole & Holly '19's Young Asian Leadership Alliance Conference

The Young Asian Leadership Alliance started in 2018 and consists of workshops that address Asian issues as these topics are often overlooked due to small Asian-American populations in schools. In 2019 it was held at Brooklyn Friends School. For my CAS Project, I took a leadership role in hosting the conference along with my partner. We led meetings for planning and organizing the event, as well as delegating tasks for other student organizers. I created a YALA Gala poster, communicating with my advisor on how it should be presented, aesthetic choices. For the day of, we coordinated workshops, and I led the Southeast Asian micro-affinity group discussion. It warmed my heart to see that my project and this conference did have a positive impact on attendees, and that we did indeed create a space to share Asian-American narratives.

YALA Gala 2019 Poster & Photos