Hand Tools

Hand Tools have been used through the ages to manufacture boats, houses and furniture. Even today it is important to be able to use basic hand tool.

Whāinga - Objectives

The objective of year 9 wood technology class is to introduce you to the basic hand tools that we will use in making the projects.

You need to complete the following objectives.

To be able to identify each hand tool, to know the proper uses of each hand tool and how to use it in a safe manner.

Mahere Whakamua - Action Plan

1. Create a google slide covering general Hand Tools of a carpenters workshop.

2. Slide show will have a cover page, information pages with illustrations and bibliography page at the end.

Research - Look at videos of basic wood hand tools and websites to get a comprehensive knowledge of Basic Wood Hand Tools commonly used in New Zealand schools.

You have to research also at least four slides Traditional/ancient hand tools that were used in the old days. Discuss how they have been modernized.

3. Peer assessment - When you feel the presentation is finished share it with someone for feedback. Make sure you give them "view only" and open the comments function to them.

4. As a class we will select the best slideshow on Hand Tools.

5. All slideshows will be uploaded to your blog for parents to view.

6. Extension:Produce your own video with Screencastify.(free Google app) and put it on your blog.

Taunaki - Evidence

Individual task: BCATS Hand Tools

1. Slideshow on Hand Tools describing what is measuring, cutting, impelling and gripping tools. Give some examples of each category.

2. Complete the student worksheet and share it with your teacher.

Sample of Hand Tools Student template Hand Tool worksheet (copy and complete)