Osa's Poetry Collection


The sea of the sky is more endless than any Sea of the kind we imagine when we look out of our bleak city windows,


Hoping for a better world.

But will it ever come to us?


We will make it come.

It encircles us all, in its embrace, and yet we, as it’s children, wish to venture from our homeland, in hopes of finding something new, something more.

We like children aren’t easily satisfied, we want to know,

Can we leave some things in mystery?

Or must we hurt others with our lust for knowledge?

Must we understand everything before us?

Or believe we will be okay in not knowing?

We are the children of the sky, who’s embrace is infinite, and her sea is bigger than any ocean.

May we take a moment to say thanks for this world that we live on,

At least for a second

Before we keep on with our search for answers.


A truth is something whole,

And a lie is something shattered,

at least that’s what I thought.

Until I looked.

A lie is whole until you know it’s deceiving you and then it’s broken.

Shattered into Pieces that are scattered across the blue green globe of the world.

But isn’t the knowing of the lie being a lie a truth,

And isn’t the only part that's shattered is the lie you thought you knew

To be true.

So really truths are lies and lies,

Are truths.

The leaf on the tree

Imagine being a bird, looking down. Most people would rather be a bird than a leaf.

A leaf can look down from heights, but it will always fall eventually.

A leaf can dream of riding the air currents, but it’s always just a Dream.

In a world where dreams are like pieces of broken glass in the gutter.



A leaf can be swept away by the winds, but cannot control its flight.

Suddenly, I am a leaf at sky

And I realize,

That part of being free, is not being able to control everything.

Feet pound against dirt

Hatred driving them forward

Running far from what?

Vast, expansive

Unseen waves of blue, many

Who am I to try?

Dancing across still

Brings only pain and sorrow

Little looking glass

Out onto the world

The onlooker sees not does

Partaking without

Questions & Answers

At whom is the rice grinning at with it’s infinite teeth? Is it the sad smile of one who has seen many things that they would rather not have seen?

Was it the rambunctious grinning of the one who is playing to the trees?

Or is this smile the one who is happy as can be?

Either way, The rice grins out so far, it must be grinning for all to see.


People like rainbows when they look like frowns

People frown when they see something broken, do they know what's broken?

People think this.

People think that.

Who are people?

Which voices do we hear?

Why ?

She can’t be he,

This can’t be that

Why does it matter that my dog wants to be a cat?

They say it isn’t done

What if I’m just the only one?



Running up and down

square, rectangular

Robotic madness on a board

Racing around the city streets, glinting and shifting

Running along with the sun who’s daily journey has just begun.

Morning, is a force in the world

To waken those who would rather stay in bed all day.

Conspiring with the sun, to make us do what must be done.

We cannot just stop

Give up our duties to this day

And still the silently glinting lines race away

Always there if you look

And with an inner smile,


Sunset green, with multitudes of shades within its heart.

Light hiding right around the corner.

It has seen much life, wearied and veined as it is.

Wide smooth lines dance across it.

It spreads out at the bottom, as though to say that it is sturdy, strong, and after all the changes it’s lived through, it’s still solid.

It holds so much light, and a line arcs across its shell like sunset across the shell, the sun leaving a little trail in its wake.

It holds so much, and to think that some imagine it is empty.


A Wonderful Try To Think,

Make Symphones of dreams, and imagine

Look out at the world, and see, do, act


It’s Marvelous to learn, to want more

Push, show the world.

And tell them that you matter, That You will make a change.


Wait, pull, and grasp to bloom, love, and thrive.

Strive to stretch out to those who don’t have anyone left to reach for.


Embrace waiting, and feel that we are more powerful together.



If one were to see in the dark of night.

With hazy light from the distant moon in the clouds far above.

THe moon doesn’t know that it looks trapped behind clouds.

The moon thinks the earth is the one trapped.

It’s the earth's clouds after all.

What if they both feel trapped by the stars

The stars are free

Do the words feel trapped by the period

Does the the period feel trapped by the page

Is the page an empty blank white expanse

Or is it a place for creativity, just waiting to be filled.

What is a cage

What is not a cage

And what is the trap in which you have put yourself.


Icy wind blew through the trees of the forest

The trees called a meet and they whispered through their crackling leaves

Should we try our luck for something better then we have,

Or stay in the place we have always called home.

As Icy blasts whipped through the trees of the forest,

And they condensed into frost on the barren ground,

The signs of winter never ending

A storm is coming

  • For Sugar, and for all the kids who have ever gone off to middle school scared and not knowing, but brave enough to try, like I’m about to.


A boat tied there in stormy seas

A ticket thrown out for the world to see

A single step taken, a great leap for life

Endless steps climbed almost blind

Walking into summer sun

Blue skies bright, no trouble in sight

All of that is yet to come

A boat set sail among stormy seas

Without a figure on the prow

Without a name along the bow

A figure stands there all alone

No name, no face, no identity known

A ship sinking downward into endless seas…

Always unseen