Year 2

The Sound Collector

This term, the children have enjoyed learning the poem 'The Sound Collector'. They performed it with good expression and some great actions. They have also learned all about Onomatopoeia and created a poster showing all the different sounds they heard as they walked around the school on a sound hunt! The children will be writing their own verses of the poem and performing it with new actions. Well done Year 2!!


Move the sound to the correct picture in this fun game.

International Week!

We are very excited to be starting international week at BIS Primary.  This week will involve learning and celebration about the cultures and languages at BIS HCMC. We have a few activities below related to international week. 

Persuasive Writing

Our next English unit is based on the theme of legends and myths. Legends and myths are old traditional tales that often include heroic characters. 

The children have received a letter from Mulan, a great heroic warrior in China, who has written to persuade the children to join the army! By identifying persuasive writing techniques, including, using positive language, rhetorical questions and comparative and superlatives, the children have been learning how to write a persuasive letter. 

To add to this English unit's excitement, students will also be dressing up as a mythical character for the BIS Book Day 2023! 

We look forward to seeing some amazing costumes and excellent persuasive letters in the next few weeks!

We use comparative adjectives to show change or make comparisons. Try the activities below. Rearrange the words to create sentences with comparatives and try the superlatives quiz for more practice. 

Information Text

Over the next few weeks, the EAL children will be further exploring their IPC topic, in which they have been exploring the buildings, shops and services that make up a town.  Children will plan their own town, make a large scale model of it in small groups, and write an information text describing the different features of their town.

It was lots of fun going on a tour of Thao Dien.  Children had the chance to investigate the local school community and noted down all the different shops and building around they could see.

Below is the example text we are using as part of the Talk for Writing process.  Children will learn this text nd its features before planning and writing their own.  After they have written their text they will have the chance to present their towns to friends and family who will be invited to come and see their town models.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all our Year 2 families! We hope you had a fantastic break. It is wonderful to see the children back in school, well rested and ready to start the new term.

Traction Hero is Here

This term, the children are learning the Talk for Writing text, 'Traction Hero is Here.' The children have been learning the text by heart and performing the story with some wonderful actions. Please look at the text and story map. Practise with your child at home. Good luck!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all our Year 2 families!  We hope you have a wonderful holiday.  Look below for some fun Christmas activities to help develop your child's English over the Christmas period.

Let's read a short story about a child's favourite time of year.

Use these writing pages to practise writing over the holiday.  Maybe write a letter to Santa or write a Christmas story.  Show your teacher when we come back in January.

Traditional Tales with a Twist

This month, EAL children have been learning about traditional tales and traditional tales with a twist. These are well-known stories but they have a certain 'twist' related to the plot, characters or setting. 

We have been focusing on 'The Three Little Wolves and The Big Bad Pig', which is an excellent example of a Twisted Tale. After learning the Talk 4 Writing story map, the children will innovate parts of the story. They will be focusing on changing the characters, the materials of the houses and even considering changing how the story ends. 

We have also read many other traditional tales, focusing on the features of these stories. From Goldilocks to Little Red Riding Hood, it has been a wonderful opportunity to improve our reading and writing skills and general understanding of this fictional genre. 

See some examples of 'Twisted Tales' from EPIC, along with a few animated examples taken from Youtube. Perhaps you can watch these and identfy the characters and the 'twist' in the story!


This week we have been learning a short poem about animals and their habitats.  To the right, you can see a text map that we have used to help us learn the poem.  We also use actions to help us remember key words and phrases.  By examining the structure of this poem we have been able to learn how to use question marks and also how to use apostrophes to show possession.

Before innovating the poem, we first practised writing part of the poem together.  This is called shared writing.  We worked together to remember the words and write them correctly in correct sentences.  We took time to make sure we used capital letters, finger spaces, full stops, commas, question marks and indeed possessive apostrophes.  We also thought about the structure of a poem and how to write the title and underline it while leaving spaces between each verse of the poem.

Later this week we will write some more verses of the poem using our own ideas.

Have a go at this gameshow quiz to see if you can remember where the apostrophes should go.

Talk for Writing - The Way Back Home 

In the coming weeks we will be learning this fantastic story by Oliver Jeffers.  By learning new vocabulary and language from a revised version of the text, our students will be able to adapt and innovate the story to create their own story about a journey.  We will look at key features including the beginning, middle and end of a story alongside time order words, connectives and conjunctions. 

Play the vocabulary matching game below - can you match the words and the pictures?

The Way Back Home Story Map


During this unit, Year 2 will be focusing on poems. They will be learning about the features of poems, including the use of similes. Similes are used to compare two similar things. Importantly, students will be practising their performance skills since poems are often suited to reading aloud to an audience. 

What is your favourite poem? Watch the videos below of different poems, perhaps you can think about which one you like the most!

Try this similes activity below - can you select the correct word so that the simile makes sense?

The Day the Chairs Went on Strike

The Year 2 children have received a letter from some very angry mistreated chairs.  The chairs have gone on strike and the children have nowhere to sit.  it is chaos in Year 2 right now!  In this unit we are exploring ways to persuade in our writing.  Look below to see the model text our children have been learning in preparation to write their own persuasive letters.

Hey Year 2,

It’s us, the chairs. We NEED to talk! Can you guess why? We’re writing to tell you that we’ve had ENOUGH! 

First of all, we’re desperate for you to show us more respect. All day long, we work hard so you have a comfortable place to rest your bottom. Unfortunately, you insult us with how you treat us. You put your feet on us when you should be sitting up straight. You leave us untucked when you’ve finished using us. You drag us around when you should carry us. How do you think this makes us feel?

Secondly, several of you rock on us and you make us feel dizzy. Once, your teacher even stood on one of us so they could reach higher to put something on the wall. Have you heard of ladders?

When you were learning online at home, the classroom was so tranquil. There was nobody here to toss us around or leap over us without caring. However, now you’re back and we are fuming about it!

We’re tired of you treating us terribly so we’ve gone on strike. Let’s see how you like that! 

We hope that we can come back soon, when you have apologised. We just want to be treated kindly, if that isn’t too much to ask. 

From your classmates, 

The Chairs

Enjoy this story about a day when the crayons quit!

During this unit we have also been learning about conjunctions and how to use them to join 2 sentences together to make 1 longer sentence.  Here is a video to help you remember those coordinating conjunctions that will help  you write better sentences.

Traction Man Is Here

In this unit we have been learning the story ‘Traction Man Is Here’. In this Talk for Writing unit, we will learn the story of Traction Man. Then we will innovate it as a group. Finally we'll plan and write our own version of the story. We will change the hero, villains and settings in our stories. We will also be learning learning the regular and irregular past tense of verbs.

Traction Man - Talk for Writing Text

Irregular past tense verb flashcards

Use these flashcards to practise the past tense forms of these common irregular verbs.

Regular vs Irregular past tense verbs

Play a game to review regular vs irregular past tense verbs! Only hit the irregular verbs.

Choose the verbs from the box and complete these past tense sentences.  Can you write the whole sentences out on paper and show your teacher?

Christmas activities

Click on the link below to practise Christmas vocabulary 

Christmas Wordsearch

Click on the picture below to do the Christmas Wordsearch

Listen to the exciting Christmas song!


In EAL we are currently focusing on instruction texts. We have had plenty of fun reading and following different sets of instructions. We enjoyed learning how to make a jam sandwich, paper aeroplanes and more.  We have also spent time identifying the features of instruction texts. Instruction texts usually have imperative verbs and time sequencing words. 

Unfortunately, dragon eggs were found in the EY&I campus. A baby dragon was loose in the school! The students did a super job of learning our model text, and we will be innovating this with their own ideas of how to catch a dragon! Below, you will find a version of our text map 'How to catch a baby dragon'. There is also an activity which involves ordering the time sequencing words. 

Traditional Tales with a Twist

In this unit we are exploring the features of a traditional tale and we are learning the twisted tale of  'The 3 Little Wolves and The Big Bad Pig' which is based on the original story 'The 3 Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf'.  

The children have been learning the features of a traditional tale.  These include good vs evil or having a good character and a bad character.    They often have repetitive language  that characters say many times through the story and they are usually written in the past tense and contain direct speech.   During this unit we will begin to explore the past tense and how the children can use it when speaking and writing.  

Below is a simplified version of the story in the form of a story map, and you can see the text and follow along.  We don't usually ask the students to read the text because we  follow the Talk for Writing scheme in which we want the students to learn the story orally.  The visual story map combined with learnt actions helps the children to do this.  

The 3 Little Wolves and The Big Bad Pig - Talk for Writing edited text

Once upon a time, there were three little wolves who lived with their mother in a beautiful forest.

One day she told them to build  a house. “But beware of the big bad pig” she warned them.

Soon the wolves met a kangaroo, who gave them bricks and the wolves built a strong house. The next day they had a barbeque.  Suddenly, the Big Bad Pig knocked on the door and grunted “little wolves, little wolves, let me come in!”

“Not by the hairs on our chinny-chin-chins!” cried the three little wolves.

“Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down” shouted the pig.

So he huffed and he puffed but the brick house didn’t fall down. 

So he climbed up onto the roof and jumped down through the window, right onto the barbeque. The Big Bad Pig squealed and leapt out of the window and ran back into the forest. The wolves lived happily ever after.

Through this unit we are also exploring parts of a story using the story sandwich model to help the children visualise the beginning, middle and end parts of a narrative text.

The Papaya That Spoke

Welcome to Year 2! We are very excited to be learning virtually with you. You can use this page for reviewing the learning in EAL lessons, and for accessing additional activities and games.  

Our first unit in English is 'The Papaya That Spoke'. This fiction text is a Talk For Writing Story. This means we have been imitating, innovating and inventing new versions of the story! 

During the last few weeks, we have been learning and changing the story map. We also learnt new vocabulary related to different jobs, places and things. 

Below, you will find the beginning of the story as well as a couple of vocabulary activities related to this unit. Can you remember the story? Perhaps you can retell the story to someone in your family!

Persuasive Letter Writing

In this unit we are learning about the features of letter.  We are also looking at language that can be used to persuade including the first conditional. 

Features of a Formal Letter

All letters can be written in different formats, but here is a useful diagram showing how we could structure a formal letter.

It all started when we received a letter from some very angry chairs.  Here is the letter that the children in Year 2 received;

Dear Year 2, 

It’s us, the chairs. We NEED to talk! Can you guess why? 

We have to tell you that we have had ENOUGH! 

We don’t feel that you treat us kindly or show us enough respect. All day long we work hard so you have a nice place to rest your bottom, but you treat us really badly. 

Do you know how heavy you are and how tired we get? Sometimes you put your feet on us when you should be sitting nicely. How do you think that makes us feel? 

Some of you rock on us and that makes us feel dizzy and unstable. Please be kind because you can’t work or relax without us. Once your teacher even stood on one of us so she could reach higher to put something on the wall. 

Most of you aren’t even kind enough to push us in when you’ve finished with us. We hate not being tucked under because it makes us look untidy. Also, please pick us up when you move us because we are sick of being dragged along the floor like a ragdoll! I bet it’d hurt your feelings if you were treated like that! 

We’re tired of you treating us badly so we’ve gone on strike. Let’s see how you like that! 

We hope that we can come back soon, when you have apologised. We just want to be treated kindly, if that isn’t too much to ask. 

From, your classmates, 

The Chairs

Why don't you try to write another letter to the children in your class while pretending you are a crayon, a water bottle, a pencil or a carpet.  

Think about the ways that the children treat you badly and make a list.

Try to use connectives such as;

Try to use conditional sentences.  For example, if you are a table you could say;

If you stop writing on me, I will look nice and clean.

When you have finished show your EAL teacher!

Try this game to put the conditional sentences in the right order.  Use the punctuation to help you and read it to check it makes sense.

Traditional Tales with a Twist (Fiction)

During our latest unit, the children have been learning a 'twisted tale' which was originally based on the Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf. We have learnt the Talk4Wtriting version of The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig! The original story is below. Perhaps you can listen and follow the story. 

 We spent time developing our use of past tense and adverbs in our writing. Adverbs tell us how something happened. They are used to describe a verb. We also practised using super adjectives when describing characters. There are some activities below which you can join in with. We look forward to reading your own twisted fairy tales!

Here are some more traditional tales.  Why don't you have a go at re-writing them with a twist?  What could you change in your story?  

Write a fantastic twisted tale at home and show it to Mr Paul, Mr Luke or Mr Jon.

Non Fiction Texts (Information Texts)

Since returning to school, we have continued to learn about non-fiction texts. These are texts which are based on factual information and can be about anything! We have looked at the different features of these texts. We also spent time learning about generalises and the present simple tense. Next, the children will be planning their own information text based on a made-up animal. We can't wait to see your final animal information texts! 

You can play the 'Switch Zoo' game below to create a new animal. Can you create some facts about it and use a generaliser in your sentence?

Rhyming poetry

To start 2021, we have been studying rhyming poems. The children have read many examples of poems with rhyme. Some use rhyming couplets, while others are more complicated. The students have used their knowledge of poetry and rhyme to write two poems: "I like..." and "Into the Jar I Put...:

Into the Jar I put

Here is the teacher's version of the poem: 'Into the Jar I Put...'. 

It uses rhyming couplets. That means that every two lines are the same length and the final word in each one rhymes. For example:

Some fresh green peas

And some rusty old keys

Can you think of any more rhyming couplets to add to these ideas?

Into the Jar I put....MOV

I Don't Like...

Here is another poem, called 'I don't like...' It's  a bit more complicated than 'Into the Jar I Put...". Not every word rhymes.

The first two lines are short and the third line is long.

Can you add some more rhyming things that you don't like?

Rhyming words game

Can you find all of the rhyming words in this game?

As an extra challenge: how many other rhyming words can you think of?

Merry Christmas Year 2

Keep on practising your English at home over the holiday.  Below you will find some Christmas vocabulary, games and activities to keep you busy over the holiday.


In the next unit we are focusing on instructions. These types of texts usually tell you how to make something or how to do something. 

We have been learning a 'Talk 4 Writing' style map of instructions and will be innovating these sets of instructions and creating our own versions in the next few weeks.

We started the unit by watching how to make a jam sandwich and then wrote a set of instructions. 

Use the pictures below. Can you retell the instructions to someone in your family?

Vocabulary Activity:

For those who have been learning 'How to Trap a Dragon', here is a vocabulary activity that you can play. 

New half term learning letter

In this letter, you can see what your child will learn this half term

Year 2 EAL Learning Letter October 2020.pdf

The Papaya that Spoke

In Year 2 we have been learning the story The Papaya That Spoke.  We have been using our Talk for Writing skills to first learn the story, then innovate it as a group and finally plan and invent our own versions of the story.   For this story we are changing different parts including the characters that speak, the jobs of the characters and the places that the main character visits.    We have learnt about different jobs and we have also learnt about nouns and adjectives. 

The Papaya that Spoke - edited text with actions highlighted

The Papaya that spoke story
Actions The Papaya that Spoke.MOV

Here is Miss Gemma showing us how to say the story with actions.  Why don't you try at home!