Year 1

Welcome to Term 3!

Professor Puffendorf's Secret Potions

To begin this term, we will read and focus on the book Professor Puffendorf's Secret Potions. This is a fun story about a lazy scientist's assistant, a guinea pig and three top secret potions. The students will learn about how to describe potions using new adjectives and what potions do you you when you take them. 

Below you will find the story map and model text the children will learn and ultimately use to create their own story. 

Professor Puffendorf was the world’s greatest Scientist. She had a bright, clever and friendly guinea pig called Chip and a lazy assistant called Enzo. 

One day, Enzo stole three Secret Potions from the Top Secret Cabinet. He tried it on Chip the guinea pig. 

Potion 1 was pink, sparkly and gooey. It gave Chip thick hair. 

Potion 2 was smoky, black and stinky. It made Chip sing sweetly. 

Potion 3 was bubbly, transparent and cold. Chip switched places with Enzo. 

Professor Puffendorf was very happy so she and Chip had tea together.

Welcome to Term 2!

Handa's Surprise by Eileen Browne.pptx

Handa's Surprise, a story about a girl, a basket of delicious fruits and some silly animals! We have adapted the story and created a story map which the children have been practising with. During this unit, the children will focus on adjectives, verb use, past tense verbs and using 'and' to join ideas. Do you remember all the actions?

Handa's Surprise

One sunny day a kind, little girl called Handa put four delicious fruits into a basket for her friend Akeyo. Handa walked to Akeyo’s village.


Unfortunately, some hungry animals wanted to taste the delicious fruits too.

First, a cheeky monkey stole the soft, yellow banana and the sweet, crunchy guava.

After that, a stripy zebra grabbed a round, juicy orange and a ripe, red mango! There were no more fruits left.

Suddenly, a goat ran into a tree and lots and lots of tangerines fell into Handa’s basket.

Eventually, Handa arrived and gave Akeyo the basket.

“Tangerines!” said Akeyo. “My favourite fruit!”

“TANGERINES!” said Handa. “What a surprise!”

Here are some 'story openers' we can use when we want to begin an exciting story. 

We are kicking off Term 2 with a short clip called 'Adrift'. We are learning about exciting 'story openers' and adjectives to entice our readers! 

Here are some adjectives we have been learning for 'Adrift'. 


Internaitonal Week!

We are learning the story The Tiger Who Came to Tea.  To the left you can find a video of the original story being read aloud.  In school we have developed an edited version to help the children learn following the Talk for Writing program.  This week we have been learning our version of the story.  We do this by creating a story map and we recite the story many times.  By adding actions when we retell the story, the children can remember the words more easily.  Below is a copy of the story map and the text that goes with it.  There is also a video to demonstrate how we use actions to help us remember the words from the text.

The Tiger Who Came to Tea

One evening, Sophie and her mum were having tea.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

Sophie opened the door and saw a big, furry, stripy tiger.

He was very hungry.

Sophie gave sweet cakes and big buns to the tiger but he was still hungry.


Next Sophie gave purple plums to the tiger. 

Then he was full.

Finally, he said goodbye. 

She looked in the kitchen. 

There were no sweet cakes, big buns or purple plums.

She walked, and she walked, and she walked, to the shops and she bought a bag of yummy food. She never saw the tiger again.

Have a go it the quiz below to check you understood the story.

The Tiger Who Came to Tea

Once upon a time there was a girl called Sophie who was having tea with her mummy.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

Sophie opened the door and saw a big, furry, stripy tiger.

The tiger was very hungry.

So Sophie asked “Would you like sweet cake?”

The tiger ate all the sweet cakes but he was still hungry.

So Sophie asked “Would you like a big bun?”

The tiger ate all the big buns but he was still hungry.


So Sophie asked “Would you like a purple plum?”

The tiger ate all the purple plums.

Finally the tiger was full and he said goodbye to Sophie. 

“What will we have for tea?” said Sophie.

She looked in the kitchen. 

There were no sweet cakes. 

There were no big buns.

There were no purple plums.

So she walked, and she walked, and she walked, to the shops and she bought a big bag of yummy food.

And from that day to this day the tiger never came back.


The children have been learning about instructions this term.  Instructions can help us do something or make something. 

We have been focusing on the features of instructional texts, including bossy verbs and time connectives. The children have been making peg puppets, roly poly toys and many other exciting crafts. 

Please check some of the examples below to practice following instructions! 

Our first toy is a Roley Poley. Above is a text map we used to learn the building instructions.

Our second  toy is a peg puppet. Above is a picture of the puppets and a text map we used to learn the building instructions

Toy Makers

Over the next couple of weeks we will be learning about how to make toys. This is an exciting unit that allows students to use their creative side and practice their building skills. Additionally, they will also learn the fundamentals of following and making instructions. Each week as the students make a new toy and get familiar with instructions, they will also learn new vocabulary such as imperative verbs and time connectives (first, then, next, after finally). 

Check back each week for the toy we are making during the week. 

Year 1 are learning the story 'Funnybones' in EAL this half term. Our 3 week unit follows the Talk for Writing process of 'imitation, innovation and invention.' 

For Week 1 we made a story map and shortened version of the original text, and the children are learning the story and retelling it using the story map and actions they chose as a class. 

In week 2 we innovated the story, by changing key characters and parts of the story as a class. 

In week 3, the children invent their own stories using the original story structure. 

The original version of the story is on the left.

Here is our Year 1 story map and text!

Welcome to Term 1!

We are very excited to be starting international week at BIS Primary.  This week will involve learning and celebration about the cultures and languages at BIS HCMC. We have a few activities below related to international week. 

Meerkat Mail

For this English unit, the children learned about postcards and the mail service through the story Meerkat Mail. We developed a letter from Sunny, the main character, about his visit to Ho Chi Minh City as a class. They also learned some new past tense verbs and how to use them in sentences. The students then invented their own postcard to write as if they were Sunny  from a location of their choice. Below are the postcard format template used to help student's organize their postcards as well as a video of the story being read. 


During this English unit, the children are learning about a dragon who goes to school! The original story of Zog can be viewed above. The children have been learning a shorter version of the story through the Talk For Writing process. The text map that they have been practising is below. A vocabulary matching game can also be found below for some of the new words in this English unit. 

The Gruffalo

This term we are starting with the story The Gruffalo. We will begin by learning the story and then breaking it it down. We will learn how to describe the Gruffalo character using adjectives as well as what he eats and his habitat.  We will focus on the difference between fact and opinion. This will allow the students to make a new character to write about in the same format at the end of the unit. 

Below is a story map and text which shows the format the students will learn to write in:

Wishing you all a fun and relaxing Christmas break, from the Year 1 EAL Team!

Here are some Christmas words for you to learn!

Have fun singing along to these Christmas songs!

Funnybones 🦴

During the past five weeks we have been learning the story Funnybones. Through this learning journey we have focused on the plot of the story including the characters, places and prepositions from the story.

We started by making a story map of the story. 

We then enjoyed finding fun new places to hide in, on, behind and under, and new characters. We used our new hiding places and characters to create a new story invention.

Ask your child today to tell your their story invention. 

Welcome Back!

It has been so wonderful to see the children again and to welcome them back to school!

We have been exploring our new classrooms, meeting our teachers and getting to know new friends. 

We have been practising our active listening skills. We look at the person speaking, and wait for our turn to talk.

These are the different places in school.

Can you remember where they are?


In Year 1 we are learning the story Beegu.  This a story of an alien lost on a strange cold planet called Earth.  We follow Beegu on her exploration of Earth.  All the time, she wishes to find her parents and go home. 

During this unit we will focus on the use of adjectives and similes and also how to use exclamation marks in our writing.

Beegu Edited Text - Talk for Writing

Beegu was not supposed to be on this strange, cold planet called Earth. She opened her eyes and saw tall, dark objects towering above. She was lost, lonely and upset. 

No one seemed to understand her. 

She asked for help but they wouldn’t even stay still to listen!

From far away, in a red, metal box she thought she heard her mother calling but it wasn’t her. 

Beegu didn’t like being alone and decided she needed to find some loving friends. 

At first, she found some puppies as soft as candy floss in an old, broken box.

Unfortunately, Beegu wasn’t wanted there, it seemed.

The next day, she found a large, spacious area full of children as noisy as rockets blasting into space!

Sadly, Beegu wasn’t wanted there either.

Wait! Her friends wanted to say goodbye. Beegu happily waved goodbye.

At last,  she heard her mother calling. She looked up to the stars shining bright like the sun and there her mother was!

Beegu told her parents all about life on the wet, unfriendly planet. She would always remember the kind, small ones though. She hoped they would remember her too. 

We have been learning key phrases from the text.  try this game to help you remember the key phrases.

Fact Files

Year 1 have been learning about guinea pigs.

Watch these videos to find out some facts about guinea pigs!

Have fun learning some guinea pig vocabulary, and try answering the questions on the last slide!

Use these sentence starters to answer your questions:

Did you know .......... ? Interestingly ...........

Some guinea pigs All guinea pigs

They like .............. They eat  ...............

They never  ............. Usually ....................

Let's learn about the 7 continents in the world:

Zog - Talk for Writing

In this unit we are learning the story Zog.  A story about a dragon learning to be a dragon.  we have adapted the text so that our EAL children can understand and learn from the text more easily.  Below is a copy of the text and the story map we have been using to help the children remember the words.


Many moons ago Madam Dragon had a school. She taught dragons everything. Zog, the biggest dragon tried to win a golden star.

In Year 1, the dragons learned to fly. “High up in the sky!” said Madam Dragon.

In Year 2 the dragon learned to roar. “Louder!” shouted Madam Dragon.

In Year 3 the dragons learned to breathe fire. “Breathe fire, not snow!” said Madam Dragon.

In Year 4 the dragons learned how to capture a princess. Zog tried and tried but he couldn’t do it. “I’ll never win the golden star!” he said. 

Just then, he saw a girl. “Maybe you could capture me? I’m Princess Pearl!” she said. “What a good idea!” said Zog.“Congratulations Zog!” said Madam Dragon,“You’ve won a golden star!” “I want to be a flying doctor.” said Pearl. “What a good idea!” said Zog “I will be your ambulance, then I can carry you.”Then up and off they flew!

Enjoy these Zog cartoons at home with all the family.  


Science Vocabulary

We reviewed the different materials and some adjectives we can use to describe them.

Here is the text map for How to Make a Roly-Poly toy. Can you remember the instructions? Don't forget the time words and the bossy verbs!

We have been learning all about bossy or imperative verbs. Watch this video and see if you can follow what the imperative verbs tell you to do.

These are some of the time words we have been learning. See if you can remember our actions for 'First', 'Next', 'Then', 'After that' and 'Finally'

The story, "Not Now Bernard", is about a little boy who was gobbled up by a monster!

Here is our Year 1 'innovated' class story map and text!

In a dark, dark town, there was a creepy house where some creatures lived.

There was a wobbly pumpkin, a walking owl and a flying cat.

One spooky night, the wobbly pumpkin scratched his skull.


“What shall we do tonight?” he said. “Let’s go out and frighten somebody.”


Unfortunately, everybody was in bed!

The police, the animals in the zoo and even the teachers were asleep!


Luckily, the walking owl had an idea. “Let’s frighten each other!” He said.

They hid behind doors and frightened each other.

They climbed up fans and frightened each other.

They jumped out of bushes and frightened each other…. All the way home.

The Tiger Who Came to Tea

Once upon a time there was a girl called Sophie who was having tea with her mummy.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

Sophie opened the door and saw a big, furry, stripy tiger.

The tiger was very hungry.

So Sophie asked “Would you like a cake?”

The tiger ate all the cakes but he was still hungry.

So Sophie asked “Would you like a bun?”

The tiger ate all the buns but he was still hungry.


So Sophie asked “Would you like a plum?”

The tiger ate all the plums.

Finally the tiger was full and he said goodbye to Sophie. 

“What will we have for tea?” said Sophie.

She looked in the kitchen. 

There were no cakes. 

There were no buns.

There were no plums.

So she walked, and she walked, and she walked, to the shops and she bought a big bag of yummy food.

And from that day to this day the tiger never came back.

Posts from 2020/21 below

Handa's Surprise

Here is an animated version of Handa's Surprise for the children to enjoy at home.

For our latest unit, the Year 1 children have been using the 'Talk 4 Writing' approach to help them learn the story 'Handa's Surprise'. First, they 'imitated' the story: they used a story map to help them remember a shortened version of the story and retell it with words and actions. Next, they 'innovated'  the story as a class, choosing new animals and fruit to feature in the story. Finally, the children will 'invent' their own stories using the original story as a guide. After learning a shortened version of the original story, the children will write parts of the story.

Story Map from Flipchart.pdf

You can use this story map to help you remember the words!

Here's our short version of the story!

Once upon a time there was a kind, little girl called Handa who lived in a hot country called Kenya.

One sunny day she put four delicious fruits into a basket for her friend, Akeyo.

"She will be surprised," thought Handa as she set off for Akeyo's village. "I wonder which fruits she will like best?"

Unfortunately, some hungry animals wanted to taste the delicious fruits, too!

First, a cheeky monkey stole the soft, yellow banana!

Then, a naughty ostrich took the sweet-smelling guava.

After that, a stripy zebra grabbed a round, juicy orange.

Later on, an enormous elephant reached for a ripe, red mango. There was no more fruit left!

However, while Handa was not looking, a goat ran into a tree. Suddenly, lots and lots of tangerines fell into Handa's basket and it was full. 

Eventually, Handa arrived at Akeyo's village.

"Hello," said Handa. "I've brought you a surprise!" 

"Tangerines!" said Akeyo. "My favourite fruit!"

"TANGERINES!" said Handa. "That is a surprise!"

time connectives                       adjectives                     verbs

animals & fruit-Picture-PPT - Copy

Here are the names of some fruit and animals from the story. 

Performance Poetry

We have been learning about poetry for performance.  When we perform a poem we need to think about many things before we perform so that the poem is interesting for the listener and watcher.  We must think about;

Here are some performance poems that we have been looking at

Watch the video and think about how Joseph uses body language and facial expressions to help emphasise the meaning of the poem.

Listen to the rhythm and the beat of Benjamin's voice when he recites his poem.

Watch how Simon Mole uses actions to make his poem more exciting and interesting.

Here are some poems for you to perform.

Practise these poems and send a video of your performance to your teacher on Seesaw. 

Have fun playing these games about past tense words!

Merry Christmas 

Merry Christmas everyone!  Why not learn some new vocabulary related to Christmas.  Take a look below. 

Don't forget to write your letter to Father Christmas so he knows what you want.

Or maybe you  could write a story about Christmas while you are at home during the holiday.  You could show your teacher when we come back in January.

Innovate - they changed parts of the story as a class.

They really loved acting out their new class stories!

Invent -  using the original story as a template, they created their own story maps and wrote their own stories.

We have been learning all about bossy or imperative verbs. Watch this video and see if you can follow what the imperative verbs tell you to do.

Not Now Bernard

In Year 1 we are learning the story Not Now Bernard.   We have been using our Talk for Writing skills which help us to first learn the story, then innovate it as a group and  finally work to invent our own versions of the story.   Read on to find to find useful resources to help you learn more at home. 

Here is an animated version of the story to watch at home;

Here is the text we have been learning with important sentence starters highlighted in red.  Practise reciting the story at home with your family.

T4W Story Version


We have been learning how to use adjectives to describe the monster in the story Not Now Bernard.  Try this adjective game to see if you can read the words and match them to the picture they describe.

Porfessor Puffendorf's Secret Potions

During this unit, the students will learn about the story of  Professor Puffendorf, her assistant Enzo and her guinea pig Chip.