BIS Young Interpreters

August 2022 - Young Interpreters welcome new families to BIS

Whilst starting at a new school is an exciting experience, we can all remember the feeling of ‘first day nerves’. Thankfully for the new students here at BIS Primary, the Young Interpreters have been close at hand to help and support them as they begin their learning journey at BIS.

Every class from Year 1 to Year 6 has at least one Young Interpreter – a student who has been chosen because they demonstrate excellent characteristics such as Care, Respect and Integrity. These dedicated students completed their training before the end of the last academic year, learning how to be a supportive ‘buddy’ for their new peers.

At the Junior Campus, the Young Interpreters from Years 4 to 6 even came to school a day early – to welcome new families for the Orientation Morning on Tuesday 15th August. They were waiting at the gate sporting beaming smiles and shiny purple sashes as new children arrived at BIS for the first time, and later they took their new classmates on tours in order to familiarise them with the campus and establish new friendships along the way. The Young Interpreters showed great independence and maturity by taking on their responsibilities in such a positive manner, and before long the new students were chatting away and feeling more ‘at home’ in their new surroundings.

Since the first day of term, Young Interpreters across both the Infant and Junior campuses have been fantastic in helping new children to settle in to their new routines and make friends. We would like to say a big ‘thank you’ for all their hard work.

The Young Interpreter Scheme has been launched at BIS

The Young Interpreter Scheme provides support to children that are new to BIS. Starting at a new school can be a daunting experience, so here at BIS we want to make the transition as welcoming and smooth as possible.

The Young Interpreter Scheme empowers our existing students with the skills needed to be able to help and welcome new students that arrive at BIS throughout the year.

Please find various links to articles and information below that take a more in depth look at the Young Interpreter Scheme in general and also how it will work for our BIS community.

Year 2 Young Interpreters

The Young Interpreter Scheme has been launched initially in Year 2. Here are our fabulous Young Interpreters. One student has been appointed for each class in Year 2. In the future we hope to expand this scheme into other year groups.

Each of our Young Interpreters receive materials and ongoing training to help them continually develop their skills. On a weekly basis our team meet to discuss how the last week went and what things they could do to help new students that arrive throughout the year.