
How do we get to the Y1 toilets? Do you remember? Use the word box below to help retell the directions




After that,...



After that,...


Word box:

through up in straight

turn left right

Positional Language songs

Where is the monkey? Use your sentences to say where the monkey is hiding!

Practise saying 'In', 'On' and 'Under'!


This term, the children are learning the story 'Superworm' by Julia Donaldson for our Talk 4 Writing unit. We have enjoyed listening to the story and learning about the different minibeasts.

Can you remember what Superworm can do? 

Let's practise some of our new words:



Skipping rope





Fishing line



Use the pictures to practise retelling the story with a friend or adult.

Let's look at some Silly Pictures!

What is going on in these pictures? There are so many silly things, can you find them all? Why is it silly?

Tet Presentation F3EAL Discussion Point

Over the Christmas period, F3 students learned to follow step-by-step instructions to complete different Christmas crafts. They had so much fun making decorations for our Christmas tree, making cards, and character costumes!

Instructional Verbs.pdf
Time connectives BIG (1)

Mr. Gumpy's Outing

Our Talk 4 Write story this term is 'Mr. Gumpy's Outing'. The children have had great fun learning about all the farm animals and characters in the story. Next week, they will begin to learn the story themselves and practise being wonderful storytellers. If you would like to support your child at home, watch the video of 'Mr. Gumpy's Outing' with them. 

Each Peach Pear Plum

We had a great time learning 'Each Peach Pear Plum' as our Talk 4 Write text this term. The children came up with actions to help them remember the different characters. They did a wonderful job of retelling the story and even chose some new characters for their own versions of the story!


Little Red Riding Hood

In EAL, the students have continued to develop their love of reading and exploring stories this term with their Talk 4 Write text 'Little Red Riding Hood'. The children have enjoyed learning how to retell the story using actions and a story map to support them. They did a great job of remembering the characters and settings and sequencing the story. Keep up the fantastic work!

Take a look at the story maps below and see if your child can retell some or all of the story to you.

Can you spot your new character?

Spin the wheel and practise the actions.

Practise retelling the story with a friend or adult.

Virtual Learning


To celebrate Tết, we dressed up in our áo dài and listened to a story about the holiday. 

It was fantastic to hear the children talk about the story and repeat some Tết vocabulary in Vietnamese and English. 

Watch the video with your child! 

Christmas in F3

Christmas is coming! Here are some fun things you can do to practise English at home.

First, look at the poster and practise the new words with a grown up.

Then, watch the YouTube video and have fun singing along.

After that, you can play the Wordwall memory game. Click on the cards to find the two with the same picture and say the word. 

I hope you all have a magical holiday with your families, and I look forward to seeing you in 2022.

2D Shapes

Over the last two weeks, F3 have been learning about 2D shapes and using their knowledge to describe and identify different shapes. It's excellent to see the children being so engaged and enthusiastic, and recalling 2D shapes both physically and verbally. 

You can continue supporting their learning from home by going on a 'shape hunt' or playing 'shape I spy'.  You can also encourage them to sort the pictures of food below into the correct part of the table. Then, see if they can find food in your home which looks like one of the shapes. 


It is so wonderful to see you all and hear your big speaking voices online! We love all the hard work you put into your Live Lessons, keep it up! 

Here is a photo from one of our fun Live Lessons. We are measuring capacity with glasses and toys, just like witches and wizards making magic potions!


You can continue learning at home now and in the summer holidays here, on the blog!

Is it full? Is it empty? 

Listen to the examples.

Practice saying these words.

Are their glasses full or empty? 

Read first, then colour.

capacity monster milkshake colour worksheet.pdf

Mr Gumpy's Outing

Can you remember who got in the boat?

Positional Language

Where is the ball?

Can you make a sentence using these prepositions?

3D Shapes

Use this survey to record all the 3D (fat) shapes you find at home!

Remember to tick a box and say the name of the shape each time you see one.

3D Shapes blog.pdf


I live in Ho Chi Minh City!

My city blog post.pdf

This week we have continued looking at habitats including our city! 

Can you play I spy with your friends and family while you drive around Ho Chi Minh City? 

Use the pictures to help you remember what to look for!


Fred talk is how we learn to sound out words to read and write them.

AUDIO at/sat/mat/sad/mad

Blending green words

Watch and copy Fred.

AUDIO on/it/in/sit/pin

Blending green words

Watch and listen. This is how you read words.

bat writing.docx


What can you see? Try write the word using Fred Talk.

Set 1

Red Words

Red words are words we cannot use phonics to sound out. We need to remember them!

Woodland Animals

Following on from the story of Little Red Riding Hood, we have been learning about the different types of animals that live in the woods.

Which animals live in the forest and the woods?

Here is a game to learn some of the animal names:

Can you name some of these woodland animals?

woodland animal verbs blog post.pdf

What can these animals do? How do they move? 

Match the animal to the verb! 

'Draw' a line with your finger on the screen or print the picture and use a pencil.

Look at the different homes and habitats below. 

Which animals live in each one?

Talk 4 Writing

This term's Talk 4 Writing focuses on a famous European fairytale about a little girl and a mysterious looking Grandma in the forest: Little Red Riding Hood.

Watch the video on mute and take turns to narrate the story! 
Who in your family can do the best wolf voice? What are the three questions that Little Red asks the wolf? Do you remember who had an axe and came to help her and Grandma?
Narrating the video together in any language is a great way to support children's creativity and will help them to understand the story in order to talk about it in English at school.

Play some vocabulary games:

Spin the wheel and name the character!

Open the box and say the verb!

Play this board game together! 

Roll a dice, count the spaces and move along the board. If you land on a picture then say what you see! Can you put the words in a sentence?

Christmas time in F3!

The children have been talking about all the things we see at Christmas time. 

See what you and your child know about Christmas! Use the worksheet below to talk or play games together.

BLOG xmas games.pptx.pdf


Pointing Race



Play an online game! Select the correct picture to complete the train's Christmas pattern.

Reading wordless books

In term 1, F3 are exploring new vocabulary and storytelling using books.

You can use any book with pictures to practise this at home!  Find some helpful tips to support your child's reading and speaking skills below. Then, watch their confidence and creativity grow!

OxfordOwl.co.uk says, "Reading to your child will help them to enjoy reading, to build their comprehension skills, and to become a confident reader themselves.  Children benefit from listening to books that they can’t read themselves yet, as they will see and hear adventurous language and ideas that they might not have encountered in their independent reading".

Tips for Reading Wordless Books

  • First, let your child choose a wordless book or any story book with lots of pictures (any language is fine).
  • Next, discuss the front cover together. Who and what can they see? Can they make a prediction about what might happen in the story?
  • After that, 'read' them the book by using the pictures to tell a story. Make sure it's simple enough for your child to understand but use interesting words. You can speak in any language to do this. For example:

The cat was scared of the dog.  The black and white cat was very scared of the loud dog.

  • While you 'read', point to the pictures to demonstrate how you use them to tell the story.
  • Use sequencing words such as: First..., Next..., After that... and Finally... This will help teach your child how stories are built. Remember to finish the story with 'The End'!
  • Next, let your child 'read' you the same book. Encourage them to use English but don't correct them at this stage. Instead, support them by reminding them to use the pictures and sequencing words. If they get stuck, ask them questions such as, "What happened next?" and "How did that make the monkey/dinosaur/etc. feel?" and "Why did they do that?".
  • When they have finished the book, ask 'W' questions about their story: Who? Where? When? Why?
  • Finally, talk to your child about what they liked and did not like about the book, and remember: focus on having fun with books together!