Assembly Videos

Each year, EAL Students perform their own EAL Assembly. This is a great opportunity to share their learning with their peers, and to reflect on the amazing progress they have made.

EAL Assemblies for 2020-21 will take place in Term 2 and Term 3. Come back later to see their videos!

Year 4 EAL Assembly - June 2019

On Tuesday 25th June 2019, all of the Year 4 EAL students reflected on their year of learning, and shared their favourite topics with the whole of Years 3 and 4.

The audience were treated to lots of creative, entertaining and very informative videos that the students prepared all by themselves, and then won a bucket-load of house points by answering questions in the quizzes.

Well done to all the students who took part, and thanks to the parents and family members who supported us on the day.

Year 3 EAL Assembly - April 2019

Well done to Year 3 EAL students who shared their English learning by delivering an amazing assembly all about adjectives. We taught the whole assembly some amazing synonyms for 'bad' to describe villains and then performed the classic 'defeating the baddie' story, Hansel and Gretel. We finished off with a rousing performance of the song 'This is Our School' which is full of synonyms for 'good'.

Ms. Dee and our teachers were full of praise for an outstanding performance which was educational and entertaining. Thank you to all parents and families for taking the time out of your busy day to support the children.