
Step 4: see the tools.

Summative, formative, formal, and informal assessments provide teachers valuable data on student progress. Used strategically, assessments signal how much students already know about a given topic, where a reteach is necessary, and how effective instructional methods are in helping students understand academic concepts.

Possible Tools

Need help? BISD's Learning Technologies Department is happy to help you learn any of the tools listed below. Feel free to schedule an appointment with the LT Coach assigned to your campus today. Or, if you prefer to explore on your own, check out the resources and how-to materials assembled here.

Formative Assessment (Assessment for Learning or AFLs)

Summative Assessment

Step 5: Click a Dimension to review possible considerations.

Assessments factor into several T-TESS Domains. Please select a dimension below to view possible considerations when utilizing assessments:

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