Lesson 5

Practice Occupational Health and Safety Procedures

LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this Lesson, you are expected to do the following:

  • LO 1. identify hazards and risks;

  • LO 2. evaluate risks and hazards; and

  • ​LO 3. control hazards and risks.

Definition of Terms

  • Ampere - unit of measurement for electric current

  • Circuit - the path of electric current

  • Conductor - a wire or a cord which provides path for current flow

  • Connectors and Adapters - accessories that are used to connect from boxes to conduits or raceways to the other boxes in the electrical system

  • Corrugated plastic conduit (CPC) - commonly known as flexible non-metallic conduit or the “moldflex”. Hot wire - a wire through which current flows

  • Insulator - a plastic, rubber, or asbestos material used to cover electric wires

  • Kilowatt - a unit of power

  • Metallic Conduits - metal raceways that was classified into four; rigid steel conduit (RSC); intermediate metallic conduit or tubing (IMC or IMT); electrical metallic conduit or tubing (EMC or EMT); and the flexible metallic conduit(FMC)

  • Non-metallic conduits - plastic conduits or raceways designed to be a channel of wire that are classified as; rigid non-metallic conduit or the PVC, the flexible nonmetallic or CPC, and the surface plastic molding

  • ​​Philippine Electrical Code (PEC) - the governing rules and regulations that ensure safety and fire-free environment

  • Resistance - the quality of electric current measured in ohms.

  • Threshold limit value (TLV) - a level to which it is believed a worker can be exposed day after day for a working lifetime without adverse health effects.


OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration

PPE - Personal Protective Equipment