
An extension cord is a span of flexible electrical power cable with a plug on one end and multiple sockets on the other end. It comes in several varieties to suit the needs of the user. One of the most important considerations is the power handling capacity to make it safe and functional.

Electrical gadgets are product of modern technology to make our life better. The number of electrical gadgets available at home and in offices may exceed the existing convenience outlet installed in every room. The best remedy to address the insufficiency of available outlet is to use an extension cord especially if the electrical gadgets need to operate at the same time.


Be careful in buying an extension cord. You have to look for the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) markings. The Product Standard (PS) or Import Commodity Clearance (ICC) markings on it signify that the product passed the DTI standard for safety and quality.

Activity 2



You might be wondering why there are several projects which are not completely done. Well, there are several reasons why this happens. It might be out of budget or not properly planned. So, this Lesson will help you achieve the desired quality project. A project plan is necessary before undertaking any project because it serves as your guide in accomplishing an activity. It will give you an idea what needs to be done, how much to spend and what procedures to undertake. A well prepared project plan saves time and cost of materials. Below is a sample project plan of an extension cord. This format can also be used in preparing a plan for other projects in the future.

Project Plan - (Making an extension cord)

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