Lesson 2

Perform Mensuration and Calculations

LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this Lesson, you are expected to do the following:

  • LO 1. select measuring instruments;

  • LO 2. carry out measurements and calculations; and

  • LO 3. maintain measuring instruments.

Definition of Terms

  • Ampere - basic unit of current

  • Current - the flow of electrons moving in a given direction

  • Electronic measuring instrument - portable instruments used to measure electrical quantities such as current, voltage, and resistance

  • Ohmmeter - an electronic instrument used to measure resistance of a component or the entire circuit

  • Ohmmeter scale - section of the ohmmeter where the value of the resistance is being indicated

  • Range multiplier - a portion in the ohmmeter where the actual reading is multiplied by the range value

  • Resistance - the opposition to the flow of electrons

  • Resistor - an electronic component that is used to offer opposition to current in an electrical circuit

  • Resistor color coding - a scheme to determine the value of resistors by color bands printed on their bodies as code

  • Test Probes - connectors connected to terminals of the VOM and component’s terminals or test points in a circuit to be tested. They are oftentimes red and black in color

  • Tolerance - the fourth color in the 3-band color coding that indicates the percentage of deviation from its color coded value

  • Volt - basic unit of voltage

  • Voltage - an electrical pressure that pushes current to flow within a load through a conductor

  • Zero-ohm adjuster - part of the ohmmeter that is used in adjusting the pointer of the ohmmeter to zero before resistance measurements or continuity tests are made.