A multimeter or a multitester, also known as a VOM (volt-ohm-milliammeter), is an electronic measuring instrument that combines several measurement functions in one unit. A typical multimeter can measure voltage, current, and resistance. Analog multimeters use a microammeter with a moving pointer to display readings.

Download this document for more information ----.> Multimeter


  • RANGE SELECTOR KNOB (Selector switch) makes it possible to select different functions and range of the meter. POINTER - The needle-shaped rod that moves over the scale of a meter. It is mechanically connected to the moving coil.

  • Adjustment screw - makes it possible to adjust the pointer to the zero position of the scale.

  • SCALE is a series of marking used for reading the value of a quantity.

  • Test probe positive (red), negative (black) - used to connect the circuit to the electrical components being tested.

  • Zero-ohm adjusting Knob is used to zero-in the pointer before measuring resistance.

B. Proper care and maintenance of the multi tester

  • Read manual of instructions on how to operate the multi-tester.

  • In reading the amount of voltage, always start with the highest range to avoid reading voltage higher than the tester setting.

  • Be sure that the tester is set to the correct range setting: resistance range when measuring the ohm, voltage range when measuring voltage and ammeter range when measuring the value of electric current.

  • Always check the condition of its battery. Worn out batteries will damage the internal setting of the tester.

  • When the tester is not in used or will be stored, set the selector switch to 1000V or to OFF position.

  • Never drop the tester.

How to read the meter scale of the multi tester

To read the resistance range of the multi-tester, the given table below will be used. The unit of measurement to be used to determine its resistance is ohm.

Voltage scale

Activity 3 Show that you learned something by doing this activity


Supplies and Materials

  • Sheet of paper

  • Pencil

Tools and Equipment

  • Steel rule

  • Bench rule

  • Metric rule

  • Foot rule

Direction: Using any of the given measuring tools, read the actual measurement of the given samples. Write your answer on the space provided.


Indicate the voltage reading of the voltmeter below

Directions: Write your answer on the space provided.

1._______ VOLTS

2._______ VOLTS


A. Indicate the resistance reading of the ohmmeter below. Direction: WRITE YOUR READING AT THE SPACE PROVIDED.

1. ____________OHMS

2. ____________OHMS

3. ____________OHMS

4. ____________OHMS

Self Check 2.1