Learning Outcome 1

Analyze signs, symbols and data


  • Electrical symbols and signs are identified according to job specifications.

  • Electrical symbols and signs are determined according to classification or as appropriate in drawing.

Materials/ Resources

  • 1.Oslo paper 5. Electrical symbols

  • 2. Drawing Pencil 6. Various Company/ industry warning signs

  • 3. Ruler 7. Cartolina

  • 4. Black pen 8. Illustration board

What Do You Already Know?

Let us determine how much you already know about selecting measuring tools and instruments. Take this test.

What Do You Need To Know?

Read the Information Sheet 1.1 very well then find out how much you can remember and how much you learned by doing Self-check 1.1.


Electrical Symbols are small drawings or pictograms used to represent various electrical devices in a diagram or plan of an electrical circuit. These symbols are used in sketching schematic diagrams and electrical plans for numerous types of electrical works. Practically any electrical fixture found in a house has a symbol that coincides to said fixture on an electrical wiring diagram. These are very useful guide for an electrician or electrical contractor, thus, making the wiring easier to install as well.


Your power tool with its manual may contain "WARNING ICONS" (a picture symbol intended to alert you to, and/or to instruct you how to avoid a potentially hazardous condition). Knowing and understanding these symbols will help you operate your tool better and more safely.

Electrical signs and stickers alert students, workers, and visitors to electrical hazards in the area. Alerting workers to high voltage areas, electrical hazards, power lines and other electrical equipment in the area, can help prevent fires and injuries. Proper electrical signs can inform workers of the dangers in the area.