Lesson 4

Practice Occupational Health and Safety

LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this Lesson, you are expected to do the following:

  • LO 1. identify health hazards and occupational risk; and

  • LO 2. observe occupational and safety practices.

Definition of Terms

  • Electronics Laboratory - a place where activities pertaining to electronics projects are done

  • Electric shock - effect on animal body on sudden discharge of electricity

  • Electrostatic discharge - releasing of the electrical charges produced by the human body to ground

  • Gloves - covering of leather, cotton, silk, etc for the hand usually with separated fingers.

  • Goggle - spectacles for protecting eyes from glare, dust, and other pollutants.

  • Hazard - something causing danger

  • Mask - covering for concealing the face

  • Maintenance - keeping up with an A1 operation

  • Occupational health - pertaining to wellness of an individual with reference to an activity or job in an electronics lab

  • Personal Protective Equipment - (PPE) equipment used to protect one’s body from hazards and danger of the electronics trades

  • Risk - exposure to something unpleasant

  • Safety practices - set of rules or procedure intended for a safe execution of a certain activity or job in a laboratory

  • 5S - five actions that start with letter S that helps in the arrangement of things in a laboratory Systematize. Sort, Sweep, Self discipline, Sanitize

  • Systematize - arrange methodically things in a laboratory

  • Standardize - to make things in same features or level in quality or achievement

  • Sort - arrange things according to kinds, types, or classification

  • Injury - damage or harm caused to the structure or function of the body caused by an outside agent or force, which may be physical or chemical

  • Cuts - break in the skin inflicted by sharp objects

  • Burns - damage in the skin caused by exposure to fire or excessive heat

  • Fire extinguisher - an equipment of chemicals intended to terminate or extinguish fire

  • First Aid Kit – medicine for initial treatment of any wounds inflicted to a person