Request appropriate supplies, materials, and tools for a specific job


  • Needed materials and tools listed as per job requirement.

  • Materials and tools are requested according to the list prepared.

  • Requests are done as per company standard operating procedures (SOP)

  • Unavailable materials and tools are substituted and provided without sacrificing cost and quality of work.

Materials/ Resources

  1. Inventory form

  2. Requisition form

  3. Job order form

  4. Borrower’s form

What Do You Already Know?

Let us determine how much you already know about requesting appropriate supplies, materials, and tools for a specific job. Take this test.

What Do You Need To Know?

Read the Information Sheet 2.1 very well then find out how much you can remember and how much you learned by doing Self-check 1.1.

Information Sheet 2.1


Correctness of the entry of different forms used in electrical work is necessary in order to acquire right, complete and accurate number of materials and tools needed in a specific electrical job. Here are samples of different forms used in electrical work.

Purchase requisition is a document generated by a user department or storeroom personnel to notify the purchasing department items it needs to order, their quantity, and the time frame. It may also contain the authorization to proceed with the purchase. This is also called purchase request or requisition.

Inventory are raw materials, work-in-process goods and completely finished goods that are considered to be the portion of a business's assets that are ready or will be ready for sale. Inventory represents one of the most important assets that most businesses possess, because the turnover of inventory represents one of the primary sources of revenue generation and subsequent earnings for the company's shareholders/owners.

Job order or Work Order form is a written instruction to perform a work according to specified requirements, within specified time frame and cost estimates.

BORROWER’S FORM is a form used to request for tools and equipment needed for a particular job. It indicates the department that the borrower is connected, the date, the job that is to be done, who is the person to approve the request, when it was returned and if it was in good condition.