Lesson 4

Maintain Tools and Equipment

LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this Lesson, you are expected to do the following:

  • LO 1. check condition of tools and equipment;

  • LO 2. perform basic preventive maintenance; and

  • LO 3. store tools and equipment.

Definition of Terms

  • 5S - Sort, Systematize, Sweep, Sanitize, and Self-Discipline

  • Functional tools and equipment - those that are in good condition and can perform its regular functions

  • Lubricant - a substance introduced to lessen friction between moving surfaces; also functions to transport external particle

  • Lubrication additives- many of the physical properties of various oils and greases

  • Non-functional tools and equipment - those that are not able to perform its regular function because of impaired and damage part

  • Nonpolar solvents - solvents which do not dissolve/are insoluble in water Pneumatic tool - instrument activated by air pressure

  • Polar solvents - solvents which dissolve/are soluble in water

  • Solvent - a component of a solution that dissolves solute and is usually present in large proportion or amount

  • Sorting - to sort everything in a work area