Logistics: Secondary


On July 30, 2020, the Minister of Education announced that students in Ontario will return to school in September, 2020 following a conventional model. This plan outlines the conventional model for both our Elementary (K-8) students and Secondary (9-12) students. It is important to also note that this plan outlines the adaptive and distance learning models should the need arise to enter into one or both of these models if the status of COVID19 changes in the region or province.

Conventional Model

Normal Weekly Timetable with physical distancing, hygiene and cleaning protocols in place. Masks for all gr. 9 - 12 students are mandatory and should be worn when indoors except during lunch breaks and outside the school if physical distancing cannot be maintained. Teachers should create and incorporate some online learning components into a conventional model using the Google platform or D2L and other digital tools so that a seamless entry into Distance Learning model can occur should the need arise.

Distance Learning Model

It is the expectation that every school day all students receive 75 minutes of instruction per course should we enter into distance learning in the 2020-21 school year. A balance of synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities is necessary to engage students and provide personalized instruction and assessment and successful credit accumulation.

Teachers will use the Google platform or D2L and other digital tools to deliver both synchronous and asynchronous instruction.

Adaptive Model to be used ~ 10-day cycle

Personal Responsibility

BGCDSB focuses on the Catholic Graduate Expectations and during this difficult time teaches students to be a responsible citizen who gives witness to Catholic social teachings by promoting peace, justice and the sacredness of human life. Each Student’s ability to learn and gain the best possible outcomes from their school depends upon an environment which is conducive to learning. Therefore, it is important that we focus our attention on factors that are within our control and recognize the choices we make have an impact on others.

Arrival of Students - Walkers/Parent drop-off/Student Drivers

Students who are walkers/drivers or who arrive by parent drop-off will be designated a door by which to enter the school. To limit exposure, this will be the only door that students will enter upon arrival. Students will be expected to sanitize their hands at the building entrance before entering the school.

Arrival of Students - Bus

Students will be designated a seat on the school bus that they must sit in each day to and from school. Siblings can be assigned the same seat. Students who arrive by bus will be designated a door by which to enter the school. To limit exposure, this will be the only door that bus students will enter upon arrival. Students will be expected to sanitize their hands at the building entrance before entering the school. Schools should keep up-to-date passenger lists to share with public health should contact tracing need to occur.

Inclement Weather

In the case of rainy inclement weather, students will still be expected to enter the building through their designated doors.

Late Arrivals

Students will verbally notify the office administrator that they have arrived late and will proceed to their classroom through the school building, adhering to social distancing guidelines. (Paper late slips will not be handed out) Note: students may have to wait in line outside of the office; therefore, markers should be placed six feet apart so that students know where to stand.

Entering the School

Students are encouraged to enter the school just prior to the bell in order to avoid gatherings of small groups. Students will go directly to their classroom, bringing any personal belongings with them. Lockers will not be assigned to students in order to reduce hallway congestion, thus limiting exposure.

Entering the Classrooms

Students will enter the classroom one at a time, adhering to social distancing guidelines. This should be done quickly so as not to congest the hallways. When students enter the classroom, they will go directly to their seat. Student belongings (ie. backpacks, outdoor clothing, etc.) should be placed under the desk/table or on the back of the chair.

Please refer to the Checklist of Items to be Removed from Classrooms

Travelling the Hallways

Students will follow directional arrows when traveling in the hallways and stairs. Students will walk at all times, keeping their distance and will not mingle in small groups. Masks will be worn when staff and students are traveling through the halls.


(Please refer to Appendix M: Protocol for Food & Drink Handling)

Seating in the Cafeteria will be limited to the percentage of occupancy outlined by public health. Students will be encouraged to eat outside in designated areas where possible or in clearly marked spots in the cafeteria in order to avoid overcrowding. Alternative indoor spaces will be used to avoid overcrowding in the cafeteria (i.e. Gym). No students shall be allowed to eat in the hallways. Lines for food ordering and purchasing will be clearly marked and adhere to social distancing guidelines.

Breakfast Programs

(Please refer to Appendix J - Visitor Restrictions)

Schools are encouraged to continue offering breakfast programs. Schools will need to provide breakfast program foods/snacks in individual containers to limit the number of contacts made each day. Individual containers can be assembled by volunteer staff member(s) and dropped off at classrooms in order to avoid student line ups and congestion in the hallways. If required, volunteers can be used to purchase and drop off the breakfast program food items.

Classroom Materials/Resources

In order to limit contact exposure, students will be assigned their own textbook that cannot be shared with others. Where possible, students should be provided with their own pack of materials/resources to use. Laminated paper-based products should be cleaned and disinfected daily if they are touched by multiple people.

Tech Shops

(Please refer to Appendix I - Protocol on Disinfecting Tech Shop Equipment, Handtools and PPE)

In the tech shops, cleansing hand tools and equipment that staff members and students will be touching will add another layer of protection. This is particularly important when tools and equipment are shared. The classroom teacher should take the lead and work with students to encourage consistent hygiene practices.

Music Classes

(Please refer to Appendix Q - Protocol regarding Musical Instruments)

Sharing of instruments is routine in music classes and schools, where students practice and perform on borrowed instruments throughout the year. Certain basic considerations and recommendations for standard operating procedures regarding shared instruments are recommended as follows:

  1. All musicians or students should have their own instrument if possible.

  2. All musicians or students should have their own mouthpiece if possible.

  3. All students and faculty sharing reed instruments MUST have their own individual reeds. Reeds should NEVER be shared.

  4. If instruments must be shared in class, RMC Neutral Disinfectant Wipes and Neutral Disinfectant solution (both available through the Plant and Operations Department) should be available for disinfection between uses by different people.

Health and Physical Education

In elementary and applicable secondary Health and Physical Education courses, efforts should be made to address the overall expectations of the Active Living and Movement Competence strands outside, whenever possible. Gymnasiums should only be used where physical distancing measures can be followed. Capacity in change rooms should be limited. Teachers should plan physical activities that support physical distancing while also limiting the use of shared equipment. Shared equipment should be disinfected regularly and students should be encouraged to practice proper hand hygiene before and after participating in physical activity and equipment use.

Refer to Physical & Health Education (PHE) Canada’s resource or the Ontario Physical and Health Education Association (Ophea) website for suggestions on teaching physical education in line with current public health

Student Materials

Students will carry all personal belongings and materials in a backpack and will bring them into the classroom to hang onto the back of the student chair. Students will not share personal items with classmates such as pencils, paper, notebooks, etc.

Hygiene Protocols

Student should sanitize their hands:

  • When they arrive at school.

  • Before and after any breaks (e.g., lunch).

  • Before and after eating and drinking (excluding drinks kept at a student’s desk or locker).

  • Before and after using an indoor learning space used by multiple cohorts (e.g. the gym, music room, science lab, etc.).

  • After using the toilet.

  • After sneezing or coughing into hands.

  • Whenever hands are visibly dirty.

Time should be spent with students reviewing the importance of proper hygiene. Signs should be posted in the washroom and classrooms that include proper washing techniques.

Fountains/Water Refill Stations

Fountains will be closed throughout the day. Students will bring their own personal filled reusable water bottle and refill at the water stations, ensuring that any touch point is wiped after use.

Classroom Environments

Classrooms should be kept clean and not cluttered with unnecessary materials. Desks/tables will be placed three feet apart in order to adhere to physical distancing guidelines. Students will be designated one seat in each classroom to sit at each day. Each classroom has hand sanitizer located at the door and students will be strongly encouraged to use the hand sanitizer when entering and leaving the classroom. Sanitizing wipes will be provided in each classroom and students will be strongly encouraged to wipe down their work station before and after they use it. Masks will be worn in class and when interacting with fellow students and staff. Schools should consider strategic seating in classrooms (e.g., if more than one student in a class with an exemption, they should be spread out) and identify on seating plans who has an exemption for wearing a mask for contact tracing and occasional staff awareness. See Appendix V for Mask Exemption Form.


In-person assemblies will not be allowed; however, virtual prayer celebrations and gatherings are encouraged as conducted through a secure YouTube live stream channel or streamed through pre-recorded ceremonies. Please reach out to helpdesk@bgcdsb.org for support in creating virtual assemblies.

Students who fall ill

(Please refer to Appendix C - Management of Student with Possible COVID19)

Teachers will report any student illness to the office administrator immediately. Parents will be contacted to inform them of the illness. If parents are picking the student up from school, they will wait outside of the school at the front doors, following physical distancing guidelines. Parents are not permitted to enter the school. Parents will provide updated reports of the child’s illness, especially if the symptoms are similar to COVID-19.

Departure of Students - Walkers/Pick-up/Student Drivers

Students who walk/drive home or are picked up by a parent will exit through their designated doors by cohort. Students will exit the building quickly keeping their distance from one another and following directional arrows. This group of students may be dismissed before the bus students are dismissed in order to limit congestion in the hallways. All departing students shall engage in hand hygiene prior to leaving the school.

Departure of Students - Bus

Students will exit through their designated doors and board their designated bus. All departing students shall engage in hand hygiene prior to leaving the school. Students will sit in their designated seat at all times.

Staff Meetings

Try to host virtual staff meetings,

If unable to host virtual, ensure physical distancing, masking when entering and exiting the room (mask can be removed when seated). A seating plan is required for all who attended the meeting for contact tracing as well as attendance and length of the meeting.