But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength,
they will soar high on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not faint.
~Isaiah 40:3
During the past few months, we have all experienced the uncertainty and challenges that COVID 19 has brought to people around the world. We witnessed the devastation from this pandemic from a personal and global perspective. School districts across the globe felt the unprecedented pressure to provide instruction to students in a disoriented new, virtual world.
Yet, since the school closure announcement, the Bruce-Grey Catholic community has proven time and time again that the education and wellness of our students is our number one priority. Over the past few months, we have gathered as people of faith to provide strength to each other and have demonstrated great resolve in ensuring that the learning has continued for our students. The amount of time spent on reaching out to support students and families, engaging in professional learning sessions and online meetings, planning, preparing and delivering synchronous and asynchronous learning sessions as well as balancing family commitments is truly commendable.
At this time, we now turn our focus to what school re-entry may look like in the fall. Whether it be a conventional, adaptive or virtual return, it is important to acknowledge and understand that we cannot return to school as it was prior to COVID 19. We need to begin to re-imagine a new “normal” for our schools by putting an even greater emphasis on reconnecting with our students, respecting where they are in their learning and well-being and responding appropriately. This guide will hopefully assist schools in their planning and preparation by promoting and encouraging new and innovative ways of teaching and learning and rethinking how we welcome our students back in September.
Whether we greet our students in person or virtually in September, it is absolutely essential that reconnecting and building positive relationships with our students is our main priority. Like us, our students are craving human connection and social interaction, and it is our responsibility to provide a safe classroom/school environment that meets the needs of all of our learners. As educators in a Catholic system, we are blessed with the opportunity to journey with our students and support them as they grow spiritually, emotionally and academically. We’ve included some suggestions throughout this document for you to connect with students in September, and highly encourage you to continue to grow and strengthen that connection throughout the school year.
During school closure, students across the district have experienced distance learning in various ways. It is essential that educators respect these individual experiences and spend time getting to know their learners in order to create meaningful, authentic learning experiences for all students. Using conversations and observations as the main methods of assessing students, educators are encouraged to plan multiple opportunities in September for students to demonstrate their readiness to learn and learning preferences. We have included suggestions throughout this document for educators to know and understand their learners.
Our response should be empathetic and holistic, acknowledging and validating that, though the impact on students will range from inconvenience and disappointment for some to more traumatic for others, our world has undergone seismic change as a result of the pandemic. Now, more than ever, it is critical that our response to students from assessment through to instruction considers leveraging the power of developmental relationships and social emotional learning approaches. Our response will require us to demonstrate higher levels of flexibility and creativity as we work to re-imagine the delivery of education in this changing world.
“Let us thank all those who teach in Catholic schools. Educating is an act of love; it is like giving life.”
Pope Francis
Parent Survey
We asked the community to share their thoughts on the return to school in September 2020 and we had over 2,000 responses. Click the link below to see a summary of the feedback we received.