Grade 1 - 8

Students will be provided with their own bin of classroom materials such as whiteboard, markers, math manipulatives, etc to limit sharing of items. As well, digital tools should be used as much as possible to limit a variety of touch points. Devices will be provided to every student from gr. 4 - 8. For students in gr. 1-3, classroom devices should be cleaned and disinfected between each use across all ages and grades. Please see Appendix U Protocol for cleaning electronics devices.

Guided Reading tables may remain in classrooms, provided there is enough space to accommodate them. Use should be limited to two students at a time, spaced as far apart as possible. Teachers must wear a medical mask and face shield during instruction at a guided reading table.


In an adaptive model, students will remain in their classroom with their homeroom teacher and assigned EAs for the duration of the school day. Core teachers will deliver instruction in the classroom as well. If there is an additional Prep teacher for the class, (ie. not the Core teacher) he/she will deliver instruction via distance learning.


In a conventional model, prep teachers will also instruct students in their classroom as per the planning schedule. Every effort should be made to not have students rotate to different classrooms.


It is important to note that all subjects must be taught and assessed in a distance learning model. Classroom, Core and Prep Teachers, ECEs, EAs will use the Google platform and other digital tools to deliver and support both synchronous and asynchronous instruction.