Appendix C - Management of Student with Possible COVID 19

This document is intended to provide guidance to School Administrators in the event a student, child or parent/guardian presents with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or reports a probable or confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 while attending our Board Facilities.

IMPORTANT: The subject matter expert and lead agency for COVID-19 is the Ontario and Grey Bruce Public Health and no School Administrator or Staff should provide any guidance or feedback about an individual’s potential probable or confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 case unless confirmed by the Grey Bruce Public Health AND authorized by the Director.

  1. COVID-19 Self-Screening:

Students/Parents/Guardians MUST first conduct the Ontario Public Health COVID-19 Self-Assessment and follow the suggested course of action provided prior to attending school.

  1. COVID-19 SYMPTOMS (Ministry of Health)

People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19 and must stay home, self-isolate and be assessed by a health-care provider. Testing is not always recommended, please seek guidance from your healthcare provider. Symptoms include:

  • fever (feeling hot to the touch, a temperature of 37.8 degrees Celsius or higher)

  • chills

  • cough that's new or worsening (continuous, more than usual)

  • barking cough, making a whistling noise when breathing (croup)

  • shortness of breath (out of breath, unable to breathe deeply)

  • sore throat

  • difficulty swallowing

  • runny, stuffy or congested nose (not related to seasonal allergies or other known causes or conditions)

  • lost sense of taste or smell

  • pink eye (conjunctivitis)

  • headache that’s unusual or long lasting

  • digestive issues (nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain)

  • muscle aches

  • extreme tiredness that is unusual (fatigue, lack of energy)

  • falling down often

  • for young children and infants: sluggishness or lack of appetite

The symptoms can be mild and similar to cold symptoms. They can also be more severe, like those associated with pneumonia and respiratory failure.

Please beware that the first symptom of a COVID-19 infection in children can be gastrointestinal, including diarrhea.


  • Parents/Guardians and Caregivers must assess their child daily for symptoms of common cold, influenza, COVID-19, or other infectious respiratory disease before sending them to school. If a child has any symptoms, they must not go to school.

  • Staff and other adults must assess themselves daily for symptoms of common cold, influenza, or COVID-19 prior to entering the school. If staff or any adult has any symptoms, they must not enter the school.

Stay home when sick.

  • Any student, staff or other person within the school who has symptoms of COVID-19 OR travelled outside Canada in the last 14 days OR was identified by Public Health as a close contact of a confirmed case or outbreak must stay home and self-isolate.

Any student, staff, or other person within the school who has a cold, influenza or COVID-19 like symptoms should seek assessment by a health-care.

Parents/guardians of students/children must be informed that there is zero tolerance for children with any respiratory symptoms attending school or child care centres. (COVID-19 and your child)

Please note - If a child tests positive for COVID-19, please immediately report to Grey Bruce Public Health at 519-376-9420 ext. 4000 or 1-800-263-3456.

Anyone experiencing symptoms of illness should not return to school until they have been assessed by a health care provider to exclude COVID-19 or other infectious diseases AND their symptoms have been resolved at least 24 hours

Parents/Guardians must follow the direction outlined in the self-assessment document which may be to call their family doctor or Telehealth (1-866-797-0000).


Students/Child With Possible Symptoms of COVID-19:

Where possible, maintain a 2-meter distance from the ill student. If this is not possible, staff must wear a non-medical grade mask or face covering..

Since younger children may not always be able or willing to identify or disclose symptoms or how they are feeling, supervising staff should be closely monitoring for symptoms of COVID-19 throughout the day. Provide the student with a non-medical grade mask.

School Staff/Board-run Child Care Providers should closely monitor their classrooms, and if any student is experiencing the symptoms above they are to immediately contact their School Administrator and follow these steps:

  1. The symptomatic student/child should be removed from the classroom and/or common area, away from other students and brought to a predetermined isolation room/area within the school to limit further exposure or spread of the illness. The predetermined room should, where possible:

      1. be located close to the main office and an exit;

      2. have a closed door with a window to observe the student;

      3. If possible, enhance ventilation within the room (i.e. opening window);

      4. Have a close-lidded garbage can and furniture that can be easily disinfected.

      5. A room close to the predetermined room (such as the office) should be equipped with an “Infection Control Prevention Kit” and would should include (but not limited to):

        • nitrile, vinyl, or synthetic gloves

        • Extra masks for staff member and student (if they can tolerate)

        • extra face shields or safety goggles

        • box of tissues

        • hand sanitizer

        • disposable gowns/lab coat

        • board approved disinfectant wipes

        • thermometer

  • To help prevent transmission, the symptomatic student/child must practice strict respiratory etiquette (i.e. coughing and sneezing into your elbow or tissue) and hand hygiene practices at all times. While taking the symptomatic student/child to the seclusion room, the student/child may be given a tissue to cover his/her mouth if coughing. The tissues must be disposed of in the designated garbage bin within the predetermined seclusion room.

  • Once the symptomatic student/child is in the seclusion room, provide a face cover to the student/child if it’s tolerated and they are over the age of 2.

      1. The staff with the symptomatic student should maintain a safe distance of 2m (6ft) from the symptomatic student/child at all times. If 2m (6ft) distance cannot be maintained between the staff and the symptomatic student/child:

        • The staff member supervising the symptomatic student/child will wear appropriate protective equipment from the “Infection Control Prevention Kit” including:

  • nitrile, vinyl, or synthetic gloves,

  • face mask,

  • face shield or goggles, and

  • disposable gown/lab coats

  1. Schools/child care programs must notify parents/guardians as soon as possible if their child begins to experience symptoms of COVID-19 (as outlined in section 2) while at school/child care.

  2. Immediate pickup must be arranged by the parents/guardian. Parents/Guardians will be asked to avoid travel on public transport such as school buses or taxis. School Administrators can assist with arranging transportation as appropriate.

      1. If no alternative is possible, it is recommended that the student/child sits on a seat by themselves (2m separation if possible) and wears a face covering.

  3. Ensure all students/staff in class with symptomatic students/children immediately wash their hands. Ensure the area where the symptomatic students/children are cleaned and disinfected. Classes can remain in the room as long as the staff and students are asymptomatic.

  4. Identify and record common areas the symptomatic student/child may have used prior to symptoms.

  5. Administrators are required to follow the directions in section 5-7 of this procedure and notify their Superintendent to start the internal notification process.

  6. If students/children are tested for COVID-19, those who test positive will be advised individually about returning to school/child care settings by the Grey Bruce Public Health.


The Ontario Public Health’s best evidence supports that the coronavirus survives on surfaces for up to 72 hours.

It is critical to communicate promptly to the Manager of Facility Services when there is a possible issue within a classroom/area within the school where students or staff have become symptomatic or are sick. A plan will be made to disinfect these critical areas promptly with appropriate disinfectant.

Environmental cleaning and disinfecting of the space in which the child was separated should be conducted immediately after the child has been picked up. All items used by the sick person should also be disinfected. Anything that cannot be cleaned should be removed and stored in a sealed container for a minimum of 7 days.

Please refer to appendix P - Cleaning and Disinfecting Protocol


The subject matter expert and lead agency for COVID-19 is the Ontario and Grey Bruce Public Health and School Administrators should not provide any guidance or feedback about a potential diagnosis of an individual suspected or confirmed with COVID-19 unless directed to by the Grey Bruce Public Health.


It is important for school and child care Administrators to understand the usual absenteeism patterns of their school/child care centre. As per routine monitoring and surveillance in schools and child care settings, notify the Grey Bruce Public Health of unusual situations, such as when absenteeism of students/children is greater than would be expected, or if a student/child who is self-monitoring for symptoms of COVID-19 becomes symptomatic while at school/child care.

If a student or parent/guardian is exhibiting symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or reports a probable or confirmed case of COVID-19 prior to or during a school day or work day:

Notification is received by the School Administrator:

    1. The School Administrator will gather as much information as possible from the individual who has made contact. Questions to ask include:

      1. Has this individual been in touch with Grey Bruce Public Health and who did they speak with at Grey Bruce Public Health?

      2. Has Grey Bruce Public Health provided an official diagnosis of either “probable or confirmed” for COVID-19?

      3. Has the person been directed to be in self-isolation? Are they self-isolating?

    2. To prevent transmission, if a School Administrator becomes aware of a student/child who is experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19 prior to a formalized diagnosis that individual must be advised to not attend the Before or After Care program at a school, attend school or attend any Board facility until they are symptom free and are cleared by the Grey Bruce Public Health. (Please refer to the following tip sheet regarding self-isolation)

  1. If the individual in question does NOT have an official probable or confirmed diagnosis from Grey Bruce Public Health, please direct them to contact their health care provider or Grey Bruce Public Health and remain at home while they are symptomatic.

Anyone experiencing symptoms of illness should not return to school until they have been assessed by a health care provider to exclude COVID-19 or other infectious diseases AND their symptoms have been resolved at least 24 hours

Parents/Guardians must follow the direction outlined in the self-assessment document which may be to call their family doctor or Telehealth (1-866-797-0000).