
Senior Prefects

There are normally only eight Senior Prefects, which are the result of a long competitive application system, but don’t let it put you off. They have weekly meetings with the Headteacher and are the student voice for Sixth Form in the school. They help at induction days and open evenings, as well as plan assemblies and speeches. The Senior Prefect Team is always incredibly diverse, so if this opportunity is something you’re passionate about, go for it!  

What is it like to be a Senior Prefect at Bexley Grammar School? The student perspective!

Being a Senior Prefect is an extremely prestigious, honourable and well respected role within any school community. The position is widely recognised by universities and job offers to set you aside from other applicants. At Bexley Grammar school there are eight prefects, including one head prefect, whose responsibilities are to serve as a student voice, organise numerous events within the school and enhance the schools already established outstanding reputation. To become a prefect, you must partake in a highly competitive process. You are first voted for by your fellow teachers and peers, you must then compose a letter informing the school why you believe that you are suitable for the role, and finally if you are successful in those tasks, you then have panel interviews with the senior staff at the school and the existing prefect team. Being a prefect allows you to play a pivotal role in the running of the school and greatly improves your relationships with students and teachers as you are given an undeniable level of respect. The prefect team and senior members of the school meet every week during academic monitoring in order to discuss and debate ways in which to improve our education and learning environment. The prefect team makes decisions that impact the school and sixth form dress code, environmental impacts, induction days and ultimately serve as a committee that listens intently to student suggestions and makes sure that everyone in the school is diversely represented.

Chiani, Year 13

Lower School Prefects

Each year has its own prefect system, ensuring that student voice is heard throughout the school. They tend to meet fortnightly and discuss and give suggestions on a range of topics. For example, last year's Year 8 prefects were the instigators of the canteen vinyl wall wrappings.

Subject Prefects

Every department recruits subject prefects, usually from the sixth form but sometimes also from KS4. These students are ambassadors for the subject and help students and the department in a variety of ways, including open mornings and evenings, clinics, and special department events.