
Individual Music Lessons (including how to apply)

I am delighted to be able to offer your child the opportunity to learn an instrument at Bexley Grammar School. All the information for lessons from September 2024 can be found here. 

25 minutes lessons are available on an individual weekly basis (£162.50 per term for 10 lessons), or an individual lesson every other week (£81.25 per term for 5 lessons).  Our experience is that lessons every other week mean that progress is very slow indeed, and students often give up. If you can afford it, a lesson once a week will pay far more dividends; your child is able to get into a routine and remember to attend a lesson every week, is likely to practise more regularly, and far more progress is made.  If your child is more advanced than Grade 1, then I would strongly recommend a weekly lesson. All of our teachers are DBS checked and are used to working with young people in a friendly, safe and creative environment. If your child is eligible for Pupil Premium funding, please get in touch with me and I will advise you further (

To apply, please click on the hyperlink below, please fill out the online application form: HERE. Once a teacher is allocated, they will be in touch regarding timetables, and an invoice will be issued in the first lesson of the term / by email prior to the first lesson. This should be paid within two weeks otherwise the teacher may stop your child’s lessons until payment is received. Please do not send payment prior to receiving the invoice.

As is the case in all schools, music lessons take place throughout the school day during lesson time.  Please note: times for lessons for students in Years 7 are rotated so that your child does not miss the same lesson frequently. A fixed lesson time at break or lunch is not possible, as these slots must be kept for exam students in years 10-13. The instrumental teachers are very understanding about the nature of schools and that it is not always possible to attend a lesson because of trips/exams. If the teacher knows about this in advance, they can reschedule the lesson. Obviously, if your child misses a lesson without informing the teacher, our teachers reserve the right to take payment. 

Instrumental and Vocal Ensembles

We offer a wide array of music ensembles to get involved in. Come and speak to a member of the music department to chat about joining!

Trinity and Associated Board Music Exams

The Music Department offers the opportunity to sit Trinity and ABRSM exams in the Spring and Summer term.  We offer the opportunity for students to have an accompanist through the school. The ABRSM exam fees are available here. The Trinity exam fees can be found here. Speak to your child's peripatetic teacher or look out for the newsletter article for information on how to enter for the exams.


The department holds three main performances every term as well as concerts for each key stage across the year. We also hold a jazz evening twice a year,  and an annual music tour.  Previous tour destinations include Cornwall, Lake Garda, Slovenia, Austria and Hungary.