
Youtube accounts

Corridor Crew

Discussing film effects, stunts and technical filmmaking- this channel is both fun and informative


They do great videos on genre and film techniques

when they do a '10 ten action movies' video, its not just a countdown, each position is used to cover a subgenre or element of the genre that makes it effective. 

Patrick Willems (and his other channel)

Film criticism that is accessible and interesting

he also pastiches filmmakers and genres- such as 'If the X Men was directed by Wes Anderson' which is brilliant

His later film criticism is often shot in the style of the director, or in the style of a specific genre, which can help you recognise the repertoire of elements within that genre.

Rocket Jump filmschool

Guides to film roles and techniques, nice short and informative videos to help you with your cinematography, editing, directing, screenwriting and sound design (amongst other things).

​They also review tech that the school cannot afford. 


This channel explains all aspects of filmmaking... And try to sell you their software, but the videos are great.

Crash course are designed to be accessible learning, so they are a great place to start your film education. Short and very informative videos- a great resource! They quote books to save you from reading them too! 


Wisecrack uses philosphy and critical theory to examine films (and other media)- so it's great for ideology such as this one on Starship Troopers where they show how the film turns us all into fascists when we watch it. They also have 'deep or dumb' and 'why it didn't work' which are very interesting series 


Secret History of Hollywood 

Stories from Hollywood's golden age, a must for true cineastes (and a thorough education for the casual film fan!)

The Director's Club

The hosts discuss the filmography of famous directors


Screenwriting and all things interesting to writers. 

The Wandering DP

A  podcast about cinematography, breaking down techniques and camera recommendations alongside discussions about the future of filmmaking. 

Fantasy/ Animation

Kings College and University of Portsmouth Film lecturers discuss fantasy and animated movies

Documentaries / Films

Kermode's Secrets of Cinema

Eminent film critic Mark Kermode goes through a series of genres and explains what defines them and why they work artistically

Odessy- The Story of Film

Mark Cousins goes through his favourite films from each era, an epic education in history

Top 40 list of Documentaries about Film

British Film Institute 500 Greatest films of all time 

Empire Magazine's 100 Best Films of all Time 

Lectures / Events

In Person

Talks at The British Film Institute


Taika Waititi (Screenwriter and director) TED talk

9 TED Talks on film

No Film School 

This is a series of videos and articles that explain how to make films