Computer Science


The Nature of Code
by Daniel Shiffman
published in September 2024, but available for pre-order on Amazon
Simple simulation projects for things like the growth of bacteria or the flocking motion of Birds. The example are in Javascript but the code ports fairly easily to Python or Java, or even Scratch.

Basic Computer Games Paperback

by David H. Ahl  (1980)

£12ish, used

This book is out of print now but you can find 2nd hand copies on Amazon. But why should you, in the 21st century, bother with a book that was written in 1980? Because back then, we didn’t have the internet or even hard disks, and so all the computer games we played had to be typed in as source code from the pages of magazines. This book has the code for 101 “classic” games written in BASIC. Most of the games are fairly rubbish, but they are also quite short and converting one of these from BASIC to Python is a great way to improve your coding skills. There is a huge retro gaming community out there waiting for you to explore.

8-bit classics

Another collection of 80s games in BASIC, except these are free. The books were absolute classics back in the day (I owned several of them) and the PDFs are now free to download.  These games are still very primitive - no graphics or sound - but porting them to python is an elite level flex.

Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python

by Al Sweigart

Free online

If you don’t want the extra challenge of porting games from BASIC, try this. The games are still fairly rubbish, but this book begins with “guess the number” and builds up steadily to simple graphics using pygame. If you aren’t a confident coder or you can’t think of a project to improve your skills, this is a great book to code along with. All the concepts here will be useful in class, but it will also help you to write programs that you want.


by Douglas Coupland



A novel about working as a software developer. This was published in 2008 and really gets under the skin of a young programmer who starts in a cubicle working for a software giant and breaks away to co-found a start-up games company.

The Cuckoo’s Egg

by Cliff Stohl



Cliff was a young tech working at a computer lab in the 80s when he accidentally stumbled across evidence that someone was trying to hack into their computers. This is a true crime computer detective story that eventually ended up involving spy agencies around the world. A great way to learn about what hackers really do.

Snow Crash

by Neal Stephenson



This is just a really fun novel, written in 2011 and set in a future dystopia of high-tech Ubereats delivery drivers that jump in and out of virtual reality. Snow Crash is the name of a computer virus that also somehow infects the mind of the person using the computer. But who is behind it and can they be stopped?

Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software

by Charles Petzold



You already understand basically what a computer is, right? But if a zombie apocalypse destroyed all existing electronics, could you recreate even the most simple computer? Yes, provided you have this book. It explains how to start with a switch and build from that into logic gates, simple circuits and eventually a computer. Great for improving your redstone circuits in Minecraft, and a cool way to explore the absolute bedrock of computer science.


AI Explained
The latest developments with chatGPT and other Large Language Models

Ben Eater
How to build a computer from scratch! No really!

Boston Dynamics

Coding Train

Daniel Shiffman is the Bob Ross of coding. His enthusiasm for simple graphics demos really is a vibe!


Craig 'n' Dave
GCSE level explanations

In-depth explanations for why some algorithms are more efficient.

James Bruton
James has been building walking 3D-printed robots for over ten years and he is really good at it now.

Learn how to do 3D graphics in Java

Excellent explanations of the more advanced tricks you can do in Python. All of this is well beyond what you need for GCSE, but we shoot for the stars so we can hit the Moon!

Simon is an ex-Google employee and an ex game dev. He makes interesting videos with cool coding tips.

Great tutorial videos for Python, beginning with "Hello World" and working up.


A series of coding challenges in Python and TypeScript (a slightly more structured version of JavaScript). The challenges are structured like a game, with a map that you explore as your complete them.

Code Combat
A dungeon crawler game with fun and easy programming puzzles. You can play the first few levels online for free.


An online platform that helps you learn, train, and improve your coding skills by solving programming tasks of many types and difficulty levels. You choose how you would like to learn. Do you want to take on increasingly difficult challenges? Maybe you prefer training through repetition and by improving your solutions. After solving a task, compare your answer with other users and learn from them or help less experienced users by answering their questions. 


Bletchley Park
Discover the incredible achievements of Britain's World War Two Codebreakers, in the place where it happened. We are planning a trip for Y10 and 11 in the Autumn.

Centre for Computing History
Based in Cambridge, this hosts hands-on exhibitions, educational workshops and a wide range of activities and events. Most importantly, it makes the history of computing relevant and fun for all ages! 

Science Museum
In the short history of computers as we know them, these world-changing machines have shrunk dramatically. Meanwhile their processing power only continues to increase, so that most of us now have a powerful computer in our pocket. How did we get here, and what were the key moments that shaped our computerised world?

The National Museum of Computing
Follow the development of computing: from the Turing-Welchman Bombe and Colossus of the 1940s through the large systems and mainframes of the 1950s, 60s and 70s, to the rise of personal computing and the rise of mobile computing and the internet. Recognised as one of England’s top 100 ‘irreplaceable places’