Peer Mentors

What's a Peer Mentor?

A Peer Mentor is a trusted listener, who knowing more through experience, voluntarily commits to helping peers with a range of issues. 

At BGS, our Year 12s apply and are selected through interview process to become Peer Mentors. They have a full training day with our school counsellors where they learn all the skills that they need to carry out their role. The students do various team building exercises and also learn the importance of their own well-being. Recruitment takes place during the first term of Year 12 and our current Peer Mentors will take on the role of advertising the service and recruiting amazing new leaders for the next year.

We ask that our peer mentors are reliable and approachable. It is important that they are non judgemental and accepting of differences. We value mentors that are respectful, committed.

For 2024/25, the Peer Mentors aim to reach out to as many students as possible so that everyone is aware there is always someone to talk to. 

'It’s a great kind of responsibility. I feel I am in a privileged position to learn about issues young people are facing.'  Current Y12 Peer Mentor


Every year we aim to promote a Peer Mentor service that allows our pupils to have a school within which they feel secure and happy. We want our pupils to feel that they know there is always someone in our school community that they can turn to.

Our Year 12 peer mentors meet with targeted pupils and offer 1:1 support on a weekly basis. They also visit Year 7 and some Year 8 forms and guide them through their exciting but sometimes scary transition into Secondary School. They listen and offer encouragement in order for their  mentees to maximise their potential at this school. Peer Mentors also play a valuable role in supporting Year 7 students on their induction day and are a friendly face all year round.

Peer Mentors 2024-25