House Events

House Events Calendar 2023-24

In addition to the events listed left, there are a variety of other House Events and Competitions.

House Competitions in the Curriculum

Many departments have a House Competition which makes up part of the curriculum. These include:

These competitions are subject to change throughout the academic year.

House Showcase

The Finale of the House competition is the House Showcase held in the last week of the Spring Term. Each House presents one of their entries from either House Music or House Drama & Dance to an audience of invited guests, parents and students. All entries for these competitions are adapted/choreographed/arranged by the 6th form House Captains who are to be thanked for the input throughout the whole year in organising, rehearsing and working with the younger students.

The winners of the House competition for the year 2023-2024 will be announced and the House Trophy will be presented by the Head Teacher. Both newly appointed and outgoing House Captains are expected to attend.

Collins Roundup of 2023-24

 I could not be prouder of the Collins House team and the dedication, enthusiasm and resilience you have shown this past year. Your dedication to working as a team was especially evident during Sports Day with us coming in 1st place.


One of the many joys of house events is discovering your talents through participation in a range of activities; I am extremely impressed with you whether it’s dance, cricket, photography or music. Your enthusiasm for collaborating and competing along with the friendships you make across year groups is the absolute joy which house events bring. Please keep participating! 


As the incoming Head of Collins House, I did not have the pleasure of working the 2022/2023 House Captains. However, I would like to say a fond farewell and thanks to the Senior House Captains, Maddy and Isabella. Your hard work and contributions have all worked to set the tone for the incoming House Captains. Everyone in Collins wishes you all the absolute best for your future endeavours.


Looking ahead to the incoming Year 12 house captain team - you have made a fantastic start and are an excellent team. Each of you are developing strong leadership skills that will stay with you. I have every faith that Collins will be in safe hands with our Senior House Captains, Edward and Ella. Your leadership was especially evident during this year’s Sports day – quite simply, Collins could not have done it without you!

Wishing you all a wonderful summer and I look forward to seeing you in September, rested and ready for the upcoming house events – let’s see if we can continue showing the same level of dedication and resilience that was evident during sports day!


Mrs C Ellis

Head of Collins House

Johnson Roundup of 2023-24

It's been a funny old year for Johnson in the House competition. Despite being the most successful House in the past ten years, we have struggled to rediscover the form that led us to a recent double, and found ourselves pipped at the post by two other Houses, leaving us in sixth place for the first time in many years. This is not to say that Johnson students didn't contribute fully to the House competition. Our netballing girls (Juniors and Inters) maintained Johnson's reputation for being the ones to beat(not that many managed it!) and our young badminton players enjoyed success on a very different sort of court. Johnson chess players also triumphed in a competition that has rather become our own in the past few years, although with Akeel's departure this year we need to ensure that we continue to nurture our chess talent. There were other strong performances, but overall we didn't get things quite right this year. The new House year has started in a fairly low-key manner for us, and we're hoping that the cricket, rounders and tennis in the final week will have done a bit to raise spirits and our place in the table.

Thanks must go to the outgoing House Captains (Angel, Gracie, Delphinal, Holly, Will, Florence, Amelia, Tommy, Ceejay, Akeel and Lyla) and those who have taken their places at the top of the House (Holly, Ravi, Marie, Ursule, Jacob, Yu Xin, Zaid, Amber and Freddie). The role of a House Captain is an exhausting one when done properly, but the rewards of seeing our students giving it their all, event after event, make the Captains' efforts worthwhile.

Our motto is 'Be more eagle', and is based on an 'inspirational' video about all of the lessons we can learn from eagles. One thing to learn from eagles is that they don't eat dead meat, which apparently (according to the video) translates into not being able to live off prior successes. This message has come through loud and clear in the past year, and with the enthusiasm of the current Y7s, and the fresh energy to be provided by our new intake in September, plus some excellent leadership from Holly, Ravi and their team, here's hoping that this year will see Johnson once again climbing through the ranks and challenging the top Houses for glory. GO JOHNSON!

Mr Asker, Head of Johnson House

Kirkman Roundup of 2022-23

Kirkman’s year has been variable in terms of performance, but has had one or two key events to mark.

Firstly, and sadly, Miss Kirkman (Mrs Meason) one of the original teachers at BGS and for whom the House is named, sadly died earlier this year. She came in to visit us a few times to contribute to assemblies about life at the school in the early days, and was able to watch a recent Kirkman victory at the showcase. She retained an interest in the House and its students over 60 years, so we will miss her visits.

In the House competition, we ended the year in fifth place, but not for want of participation or enthusiasm! We did very well in House Drama and Dance, coming a close second, and also got good second places in Senior Cookery and a range of sports, and a first place in the Senior Athletics.

My outgoing Captains, led by Max and Marie, did a great job with great dedication and enthusiasm, and will be missed. I really loved working with them.

The new team: Grace, Natsuki, Kush, Spencer, Owais, Tessie, Joseph, Archie and Isaiah are already making their mark, so I wish them well!

Miss Fisher, Head of Kirkman House

Mabbs Roundup of 2023-24

What a year for Mabbs! We won! What an incredible year for the 2023- 2024 House Captains led by the dynamic Rosie Barnwell and Bethany Baker. They wanted to win the House Cup since they were in Year 7 and I am so glad this was able to happen. The rest of the team, Lilly, Tiya, Matthew, Toby, Amos, Krisha, Dhara and Bradley were instrumental in leading us to victory from coming second on Sports Day to third in House Drama and first in so many different events. I am so proud.

As we start the new House season, the new House Captains are raring to go. Senior House Captain Erin Banks and Michael Yaroson lead a strong team: Chloe, Marina, Leo, Liam, Aiste, Kai, Emma, Khush, Daniel, Callum, Bianca and Neha. Sports Day was a success with so many marvellous Mabbs students trying their hardest to win. There were so many individual wins! Here’s to more so we can win another year. Gooooo Mabbs! 

Miss Gabriel, Head of Mabbs House

Prothero Roundup of 2023-24

What an amazing second year as Head of Prothero House - placing 2nd for the 2nd year!  We’ve had some amazing highs and this is all thanks to the hard work and dedication of every member of Prothero.  Importantly, the House Captains:  Anna, Mya, Michael, Mollie, Zara, Ray, Abi, Finbarr, Aksan, Princess and Sarah really role modelled what commitment to the house system is, with giving up often huge amounts of time afterschool alongside their often stressful academic commitments.  We were crowned 2nd place victors at the House Showcase and it was a truly fantastic way to send the outgoing House Captains off on their study leave before Easter.

With the new House Year already started Prothero is feeling ambitious and already the new House Captains: Joe, Zoe, Jasreen, Nana, Esther, Emmanuel, Albert, Josiah, Malak, Tayo and Hayden have made a serious impact by championing participation and success on Sports Day.  This is a promising start and therefore Basil and I are very hopeful for a new academic year to come.

Miss Ashman, Head of Prothero House

Wellman Roundup of 2023-24

It’s wonderful to be a part of the team spirit of Wellman House! 

I am so pleased with how Wellman House has done this year. It was heartening to see all of the Wellies (collective name voted in by the students themselves) rally together throughout the entire year to represent Wellman at every event and work together as a house. This incredible year was made possible thanks to the immense amount of work put in by our House Captains. A huge thank you to Scarlett, Claudia, Ava, Malin, Ben, Mason, Tobi, Abi, Sid, Daniel, David, Darcey, and Isabel. The Wellies have exhibited amazing house spirit and teamwork, and I am immensely proud to be the Head of Wellman.

As we begin the new House Year, the Wellies are ready and excited to get involved in the upcoming events. We welcome our new House Captains: Beth, Isaam, Joshua, Isobel, Nexus, Malven, Shishir, and Sapho, led by our Senior House Captains: Henry and Israel. They are eager to leave their mark on Wellman House, and I am confident that this year will be another remarkable chapter for us.

Miss Bellingham, Head of Wellman House