House Events

House Events Calendar 2023-24

In addition to the events listed left, there are a variety of other House Events and Competitions.

House Competitions in the Curriculum

Many departments have a House Competition which makes up part of the curriculum. These include:

These competitions are subject to change throughout the academic year.

House Showcase

The Finale of the House competition is the House Showcase held in the last week of the Spring Term. Each House presents one of their entries from either House Music or House Drama & Dance to an audience of invited guests, parents and students. All entries for these competitions are adapted/choreographed/arranged by the 6th form House Captains who are to be thanked for the input throughout the whole year in organising, rehearsing and working with the younger students.

The winners of the House competition for the year 2023-2024 will be announced and the House Trophy will be presented by the Head Teacher. Both newly appointed and outgoing House Captains are expected to attend.

Collins Roundup of 2022-23

Dear Collins

You have been the most wonderful house community participating in events and supporting one another throughout the year. Well done, I'm so proud of everyone who has contributed. 

One of the delights of house events is discovering your talents in such a range of activities; I am always incredibly impressed with you whether it’s dance, cricket, photography or music. Your enthusiasm for collaborating and competing along with the friendships you make across year groups is the absolute joy which house events bring. Please keep participating! 

Thank you to all our Yr13 House Captains for all their hard work and enthusiasm for Collins House. A massive thank you to Megan and Emmanuel who kept everything organised and led with such calm empathy to engage all students in the joy of House Events. Congratulations again to Emanuel who was voted by students to be the Collins Jack Petchy winner. Well Done. 

Huge thanks to our new Yr12  house captain team - you have made a fabulous start and make an excellent team and each of you are developing strong leadership skills. Ably led by our Senior house captains Maddy and Isabella we are already looking forward to events next year.

Wishing you all a wonderful summer And look forward to seeing you in September,

Miss Thurlow, Head of Collins House

Johnson Roundup of 2022-23

What a year! We went into it as two-time champions searching for the hattrick. We finished not quite where we had hoped, but what a great competition! Students from all Houses and all year groups made this a real fight, conducted in a fair but robust manner.

There were many highlights for us, but perhaps the standout performance from the year was the Johnson drama and dance presentation of Sleeping Beauty. The acting was good (or should I say 'goodie'? a little in-joke for those in the know!) and the dancing was beautiful. We even got some Y10 boys acting as trees - the one type of wooden performance that we're OK with! Johnson came first in that competition, which is the first time that I can remember in my seventeen years at the school, so there was a lot to celebrate there.

The music competition saw phenomenal contributions by Ella and Omolade, two of our Y9 students, who arranged Mr Blue Sky and 9 to 5, respectively. All parts were written or adapted by these two incredible individuals. The fact that we won that competition as well is almost secondary to the display of talent behind the performance. Needless to say, however, we were delighted to triumph in another event that, historically, has not gone so well for us.

A more recent high was experienced just last week, in the girls' cricket competition. Firstly, it was great to see, for the second year now, the girls having the opportunity to take on the boundaries out on the field. The England women have experienced great success recently, giving our girls some fantastic performances to try to emulate on the BGS field. Along with the fierce and ruthless performance on the pitch, what was particularly pleasing to observe was how well the girls worked together as a team. There was a lot of encouraging of one another throughout the games, and I think that this spirit carried them through a match that threatened to be tough. In the 'final', the girls were defending a total of just 24 runs (they scored over 50 in their previous game). Tight bowling, great catches, and solid stops to prevent boundaries all contributed to an eventual victory. There was even a direct hit on the stumps by Shriya, our player of the tournament. The scoring system and the incredible display of fielding prowess led to a 31-run win.

It was with sadness that I said goodbye to the outgoing House Captains at Easter. They were a truly great team, led with energy, commitment and organisational excellence by the outstanding Katie and Hannah. The new team, led by Angel and Gracie, have a lot to live up to, but early signs are promising.

And that is the end of our year and this report. Thank you to all the students who have committed to Johnson's successes this year, and to the staff who have supported the students and me as we work to reclaim the crown that had felt so comfortable. GO JOHNSON!

Mr Asker, Head of Johnson House

Kirkman Roundup of 2022-23

Kirkman’s year has been variable in terms of performance, but has had one or two key events to mark.

Firstly, and sadly, Miss Kirkman (Mrs Meason) one of the original teachers at BGS and for whom the House is named, sadly died earlier this year. She came in to visit us a few times to contribute to assemblies about life at the school in the early days, and was able to watch a recent Kirkman victory at the showcase. She retained an interest in the House and its students over 60 years, so we will miss her visits.

In the House competition, we ended the year in fifth place, but not for want of participation or enthusiasm! We did very well in House Drama and Dance, coming a close second, and also got good second places in Senior Cookery and a range of sports, and a first place in the Senior Athletics.

My outgoing Captains, led by Max and Marie, did a great job with great dedication and enthusiasm, and will be missed. I really loved working with them.

The new team: Grace, Natsuki, Kush, Spencer, Owais, Tessie, Joseph, Archie and Isaiah are already making their mark, so I wish them well!

Miss Fisher, Head of Kirkman House

Mabbs Roundup of 2022-23

Although our final position on the table is in sixth position, this is not a reflection of the many successes we had, both individually and as a team. Last year was lead with enthusiasm and dynamism by by Mr Hansford and the House Captains Joe Mutti, Anna Murati, Amy Brown, Atemnji Nonjang  Libby Garrod- Jobbins, Vittoria Ng, Christian Turner, Finlay Wicks, Georgia Holman and Judah Olorunniwo. It was a great way to finish the House year at the showcase with their magical and rather long adaptation of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. 

This Year we have started with a bang. Sports Day saw Mabbs superstars winning left, right and centre and as a result we were in second place. We have also done extremely well in House Rounders and Tennis and Girls’ Cricket with the Juniors smashing it in first place. The MFL song competition is on Friday 14th July and we are hoping to secure a place in the top spot. I am looking forward to the range of events and hopefully success to come in March 2024 with my new House Captains: Bethany Baker, Rosie Barnwell, Amos Hansford, Dhara Bracken, Toby Suttle, Lily Hewitt, Sofia Di Fabio, Bradley Olateju, Matthew Swann, Krisha Bc and Tiya Playa. 

Miss Gabriel, Head of Mabbs House

Prothero Roundup of 2022-23

What an amazing first year as Head of Prothero House.  We’ve had some amazing highs and this is all thanks to the hard work and dedication of every member of Prothero.  Importantly, the House Captains:  Nathan, Gurleen, Lucy, Caitlin, Chris, Nathan, James, Dani, Anya and Isabel really role modelled what commitment to the house system is, with giving up often huge amounts of time afterschool alongside their often stressful academic commitments.  We were crowned 2nd place victors at the House Showcase and it was a truly fantastic way to send the outgoing House Captains off on their study leave before Easter.

With the new House Year already started Prothero is feeling ambitious and already the new House Captains: Mya, Anna, Michael, Mollie, Zara, Ray, Abi, Finbarr, Aksan, Princess and Sarah have made a serious impact by running practise sports sessions, giving up days to umpire sports events, prepare and give assemblies, as well as creating exciting form activities for all to enjoy.  This is a promising start and therefore Basil (our new House mascot) and I are very hopeful for a new academic year to come.

Miss Ashman, Head of Prothero House

Wellman Roundup of 2022-23

As my first year of Head of Wellman, I could not have asked for a better year. I think that I have been incredibly lucky to have the form tutors that I’ve had, the students in Wellman and most of all my House Captains: Maisy, Harizaka, Donovan, Daisy, Harry, Adesh, Albert, Tara and Kome. They have put so much work into organising students into teams, drumming up support for events and dedicating their time to making this year amazing. All of the Wellman House rallied together and it was a huge success to then finish the House Year winning the House Cup! I think more important than winning through was seeing Wellman students from all year groups support each other in all events and witnessing musical, theatrical and athletic performances of students that I would have never expected. This is why I love being Head of Wellman. I look forward to the next House Year with my new House Captains and seeing even more  students get involved! 

Miss Bellingham, Head of Wellman House