Temple Manor Class

This module, Year 3 have been looking at rocks and their properties, fossils and the composition of soil. We have explored different kinds of rocks including those in the local environment. Our class have learnt to identify and classify rocks according to whether they have grains or crystals, and whether they have fossils in them. We have particularly enjoyed learning about what fossils can tell us about the past. Many of us were fascinated to learn that Mary Anning, a keen scientist, broke gender norms of her time and found the first remains of an Ichthyosaur! 

We were very busy during British Science Week, this is what we got up to:

Operation Ouch 

The children thoroughly enjoyed learning about the heart from Dr Chris and Dr Xand van Tulleken, in this live session they learnt about the parts of the heart, blood circulation and the functions of blood vessels.

An example of a labelled heart, which includes the flow of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood can be seen above. 

Visit from Mr Marsh

We were fortunate to work alongside Mr Marsh, a project manager for a water company.

He explained to us how Biology, Chemistry and Physics are all involved in making our water safe to drink and getting it to our taps. He also told us that due to pollution in the environment, it is not a good idea to drink rain. 

Rocking at cooking!

We enjoyed some time in the cooking studio making chocolate rocks! These were our favourite of all the rocks.

A selection of work by us from British Science Week can be seen below: