
Little Bears

Science learning in Little Bears centres around 'Understanding the World.'

A specific area within the EYFS curriculum is 'Understanding the World' and it is through this lense that our youngest children begin their scientific explorations! We observe the world around us closely to watch out for and to notice changes, patterns and surprises in our environments. We are excited to see seasonal changes in our outside learning spaces, and directly experience different types of weathers and the affects these have. We enjoy seeing changes of matter first hand through ice play, mud exploration, and colour mixing. Understanding the world encompasses everything that we do - from experiencing forces, weight and gravity in our day to day play, to making scientific connections when we are experimenting with different materials, textures and resources.

Being a scientist in Little Bears builds upon our Learner Profile Attributes of being good 'thinkers', 'inquirers', 'risk-takers' and 'communicators'. We are problem solving every day in our construction play and in our explorations with our friends. 

Science Week was a fantastic opportunity for the Nursery children to bring everything that they do to a focus. We linked our Science Week discoveries with our Inquiry learning around transport and journeys. Mr Rose's visit was a huge success and inspired us to think like engineers! We got busy building train tracks, bridges and creating our own towers and skyscrapers. We also loved our visit from Kent Fire and Rescue. We learnt so much during Science Week and it was amazing to see this fantastic understanding being represented in our play during child-initiated Inquiry time :) 

Great job Little Bears!
