
Sissinghurst & Scotney Class

In EYFS we dive deep into science through a specific area of our curriculum 'understanding the world'. It is through this that we become scientists, thinkers and explorers and discover more about the world we live in. This has led us to explore our immediate outside area and also the world around us, through using a variety of different senses. 

Our central idea of 'Homes reflect who live in them and the places they are located' has lent itself to a vast array of science related learning, particularly focused around animals and their homes. We have loved exploring various regions around the world and have been thrilled to see lions in the Savannah and sharks in the ocean. We have found out so many different animal facts, which we are always eager to share with those around us!

Science Week

During Science week we learnt all about the famous Scientist, Inventor and Engineer Alexander Graham Bell. He was known for inventing the first telephone in 1876. We found this fascinating and were all surprised to see how different telephones once looked! The children all agreed they were much "bigger" and "harder to hold" than today's mobile phones. 

We even had a go at making our own telephones using paper cups and some string. It was so much fun and kept us talking for ages!

Kent Fire and Rescue

During Science week we had a fantastic visit from Kent Fire and Rescue. We learnt all about how to keep us and our families safe in an emergency. Some children even created little books of safety facts to help their families and friends. 

Ocean habitats

We loved creating our own ocean habitats in a shoebox. We started by looking at the features of ocean habitats and the different animals that would be found there. Then, we used a variety of different materials to make our creations come to life! 

Module 5

Next Module we are very excited to start our new unit of inquiry focusing on lifecycles and change. We will look at what lifecycles are, how lifecycles of living things can be the same/different and why humans need to keep themselves healthy to grow.