Events and News Continued...

Dogs & Mobile Phones

As both the wellbeing and welfare of the children is paramount to us, we ask that you do not use your mobile phones on the school premises.

Please also note that we do not allow photos of the children to be taken without consent from their parents.

Therefore, we ask that you do not take photos of your children during any visits you attend or whilst on the school premises, as your photo may include a child who has not had consent for photos to be taken or used.

As an academy, we do not allow dogs to be brought onto our site. There are a number of reasons behind this decision including health and hygiene reasons and keeping everyone safe. The only exception to this is assistance dogs. 

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. 

Drama Workshops

Sunflower Drama Academy had so much fun on their drama day with all of the pupils that they came back for our celebration afternoon today.

Young and old(er) had a great time singing, quizzing and much more. 

We would like to express our thanks to Becky, Rio and Ali for their help and we look forward to working with them again.

You can find out more about Sunflower Drama Academy and their club offer HERE
