Events and News

Trips and Visitors 

Year 4 are planning to visit Lullingstone Roman Villa, as communicated. Wingham Wildlife Park will be another visit for Year 4, more information on this follow

Other classes in our academy will be sharing their plans for their trips and visitors soon. 

Good bye to... Hello to...

As module 4 draws to a close, we are saying goodbye to Miss Rivett who is leaving our academy to pursue a different career path. We would like to thank her for her work during her time at Bearsted Primary Academy.

In readiness for module 5, we are delighted to welcome new Teaching Assistants, Mrs Cairns and Ms Morgan.

May Fayre

On Saturday 20th May we will be working with Snowfields Academy in conjunction with our PTA to hold a joint May Fayre. 

This event will be open to all members of our academy, Snowfields academy and the wider Bearsted community. 

The May Fayre will begin at 12pm and will end at 4pm. 

There will be further information regarding this joint event coming to you soon