Principal's Message

Welcome to this edition of our newsletter with lots of examples and explanations of exceptional learning at Bearsted Primary Academy.

Today, we concluded module 4 with our usual celebration assembly but it was not so 'usual'.

We celebrated eggscellent examples of learning and behaviour, the eggstra special TT Rockstars achievements and the eggsplorations of science week.

The PTA has been as busy as ever on our behalf over the past two weeks and you have been equally as busy and supportive in response. Our continued gratitude is extended to everyone involved. The children were thrilled and delighted when PTA representatives, Mrs Sturgeon and Mrs Edwards, announced the runners up and winners of the egg decorating competition and gave them their generous prizes in celebration assembly. What made it all the more special was how the pupils were so proud of their peers, cheering and applauding each and every one with great gusto.

Today has been a fitting end to another action packed module and I wish you all a very enjoyable Spring break.

Mrs Tipple