William Grant

Particle Physics and its Revelations in the Modern Era

William Grant

My research that I conducted was about the many experiments, discoveries, and revelations being made in particle physics. In particular, I was interested in how the construction of large particle colliders, like the well-known Large Hadron Collider in Bern, Switzerland, speed up and contribute to those advancements. One interesting area that I looked into was that of particle detectors and how their development shaped particle colliders. Another interesting topic I explored was the development of new colliders and how higher collision energies (superior to those currently) might be achieved. Finally, some articles I reviewed were about how the LHC is being utilized to contribute to discoveries and verifications even now, in areas such as top quark decay and muons. I think that research, experiments, and theories that are presented in my poster will help fuel new discoveries, but also to build support internationally and potentially financially for investment into particle physics research. I am continuing with the Ingenuity Research Practicum and will be mentored by Dr. Andreea Petric from the Space Telescope Science Institutes (STScI).
