Julio Gabriel Alumbro

Mineralogy and Rock Structure of Mars

Julio Gabriel Alumbro

My research investigates the mineralogy and different properties of rocks and their specific origins on the planet Mars. One example of current research in my field was a study aiming to use a combination of old data and current data to determine the amount of volatile (easily vaporized) elements within meteorites from mars. I came across a second study that focused on minerals in a specific area on Mars using an instrument called the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM for short), which helped researchers conclude that there was Hydrated Silicate material and H2O. Lastly, I read about a study that used geographic mapping and spectral analysis of the Jezeral crater to establish information about its watershed and basin. This research is critical for our future in order to prepare for human exploration. This information can help determine if Mars is habitable, and should humans ever need to relocate to another planet. Thanks to previous studies and current research, we are better prepared for changes in our planet, as well as understanding possible destinations if evacuation is needed. I plan on continuing with Ingenuity Research Practicum and hope to find a mentor in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Johns Hopkins University.

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