Taylor Jones

The Effect of Covid-19 on Health Insurance

Taylor Jones

Mentor: Dr. Candice Marshall

Department of Mathematics, Morgan State University

The pandemic has been very devastating for many people while also impacting factors at the societal level. Health insurance, for example, has changed as a result of Covid-19. In previous years, health insurance rates have been increasing each year since 2009. Previous research has found that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been the ultimate solution for providing insurance for the unemployed, and now may be taken away because of Covid-19. With the effect of Covid-19, I expect the increase rates to double from 2019, due to situations such as previously uninsured people seeking health insurance as a response to the pandemic. The ultimate goal of my research is to calculate health insurance rates for 2021, using computer language R. I expect the results to display rates increasing at least 30% in 2021. My research will also explore increased rates of remote therapy, which have gained in popularity over the course of the pandemic. I suspect that Covid-19 caused an epic increase percentage for insurance rates from 2019-2020 compared to rates from 2009-2019.
