Ouisie Engelke

The Social Impacts of Coral Bleaching

Ouisie Engelke

My research is the economic and social impacts of coral bleaching, as well as the causes, current solutions, and possible solutions for the future. The main cause of coral bleaching is rising ocean temperatures. The immediate solution would be to lower the temperatures by reducing air pollution, however this is a big undertaking and alternate solutions are imperative to the survival of corals. A good portion of this research drew from genetic studies, which examined how genomes can predict coral bleaching. For instance, genetic sequencing can identify different strains of corals, which can reveal which corals have the capacity to live at higher temperatures. Other studies examined how the presence and health of reefs impact people’s lives, especially those living in coastal communities. For instance, about 1 billion people rely on coral reefs for food. Fish move away from dying reefs, which impacts fishing, and thereby may contribute to economic instability in coastal communities. Additionally, dying coral do not bring in large touristing income which also impacts the economy. I am hoping to continue researching coral bleaching and learn more about how genetics can be used to further understand this problem. I will continue with Ingenuity’s Research Practicum and hope to find a mentor who can teach me more about the symbiosis between coral and their intracellular algal symbionts, which is critical for the survival of coral reefs.
